Ministering to the Fatherless: Practical Tips for Kids' Leaders

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walking-with-dadAccording to the book of James, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27) At no time during the year does this call to minister to the fatherless seem so important than Father’s Day.
I don’t need to preach to children’s ministry leaders about the crumbling family unit, you see it each week. As good leaders, we must celebrate the fathers who lead their children, at the same time remaining sensitive to the kids who live in different situations. Remember these practical teaching tips when ministering on Father’s Day.
Teaching kids to pray for their fathers is spiritually empowering. Prayer does so much for us, especially when we feel helpless about a situation. That’s true for kids, too! By teaching kids how to pray for Dad, you give them a worthy action that both empowers them and releases God to minister to the family. Lead kids in a special prayer for all dads.
Explain to kids how Jesus wants to share his Father with us. I tell my children, “Kids, you know, Jesus knew that many of us would need a Dad. Jesus says His Father, God, is also our Father. Jesus would like it if we talked to God like He was our Father too. Who would like to call God Father?”
Then go a little further and talk about the Heavenly Father and child relationship. “I know it is nice to get hugs from earthly fathers but when that’s not possible, God will send someone special to hug you just when you need it. As our Heavenly Father, God can do much more than any earthly father can. Someday, when we see God face to face, we will be able to experience even greater things than hugs! God loves you, now and forever!”
During a quiet time, say, during craft or snack, lead kids in conversations about fathers. Share a funny, personal Dad story. Explain that someday kids will be Moms and Dads too, but for now, they should enjoy being a kid.
I love Father’s Day. Commemorate this important holiday by talking about Dads and families. Reach out to the families of your children and wish them all a Happy Father’s Day!

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