Podcast #10 Social Networking in Children's Ministry

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Michael Chanley Photo
Michael Chanley is the creator of CM Connect and lead author of “Collaborate: Family + Church”

The Internet has created many new opportunities for people in kids ministry. One highlight has been CM Connect, the social network for children’s ministers. With over 6,700 users, it’s become an amazing way to share ideas online.
The man behind it all is Michael Chanley. He’s also an author and popular conference speaker. His work is an encouragement to many and having a great impact for God’s Kingdom. That’s why I wanted to talk with him in our latest podcast.
Directions: To listen to this 20 minute audio recording, just press play below or download the MP3 file to your computer. You can also subscribe to our podcasts on iTunes.
In this conversation, we cover many topics related to children’s ministry. You can click here to leave a comment. Here are some highlights:

  • Hear how God called Michael into kids ministry
  • Learn the idea behind CM Connect and why it’s worth your time
  • Get the story of Michael’s popular book
  • Find out what’s next for this kidmin leader

Need More Chanley? You can follow Michael on Twitter and CM Connect. Collaborate is available from Amazon.com

CM Connect
CM Connect is the social network for children’s ministers

Collaborate Book Cover Image
“Collaborate: Family + Church” is available on Amazon

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