Really Messy Fall Children's Ministry Activities

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"Really Messy" Fall Themed Activities for Children's Ministry
One thing I am known far and wide for is my messiness. In children’s church, it is anything goes really as long as no one gets hurt (or gets their feelings hurt) and it lifts up the name of Jesus. So far, I’ve been smacked in the face with a whipped cream pie, had a bucket of slime poured over me and I’ve smashed at least a dozen bananas. Partly because I have adult ADD but also because I love having fun with the kids. (For the record, I do teach too.)
For me, fall means more than festivals and trunk or treat. Kids are back to school and they need an outlet for some fun. That means I get to break out the really mess fall children’s ministry activities. Bring on the drop cloths, the ponchos and the buckets. This year, we intend on working these four activities into fall lineup.
1. Paper mache pumpkins: For this is a fantastic messy activity for a fall party or a mom’s day out. You need some round balloons, white glue, and strips of newspaper. You also need some drop cloths or plastic garbage bags to cover the tables. Inflate the balloons and place them on a plastic plate. Each balloon is covered with strips of newspaper soaked in glue. Of course, the pumpkins need to dry overnight before they can be painted but what a great reason for kids to come back! Read this how-to for more help.
2. Smashing pumpkins: I do love smashing things. For this activity, we plan on writing the word SIN all over the pumpkin with a permanent marker. I am going to talk about the saving grace of Jesus and how he “smashes” sin and sets us free. I will really build it up the tension until finally I am ready to smash it. (Of course, kid will sit safely away from flying debris.) I plan on using a sledgehammer to demonstrate the power of Jesus!
3. Apple painting: Apples are great to have at any fall activity. Cut some in two and dip the cut sides in paint. They make the perfect handheld paint stamp. Have kids stamp construction paper with the paint.
4. Glow in the dark party: Glow in the dark bashes are hugely popular right now. Host a glow in the dark party or incorporate the sticks in the praise and worship portion of your service. Okay, this one isn’t really messy but it is a whole lot of fun.
For more inspiration, check out these related posts:

Read more from messy Mimi–visit her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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