Children Media Safety and Kids Ministry

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How many of the children in your ministry use the Internet?  How many watch television or listen to the radio?  We have all heard of the problems of media today, but have we really thought about the media as it relates to our own ministries?
I confess that I have thought of these problems as more for the youth group to address rather than the children’s ministry.  However, I am quickly seeing the error of my ways.  As I stated in an earlier post about how much the world influences our children versus how much time we actually are able to teach them about the things of God, we must address these issues and better equip the parents to train up their children in the way they should go.
Granted, we cannot do this alone, but we ought to be at the very least bringing these things before families and the children and warning them of the spiritual dangers (not too mention the physical dangers in some cases) found in the various forms of media.  The youth pastor at my church just held a “parent’s round table discussion” centered on this exact topic.  Perhaps we ought to look into doing something along these lines with the parents of the children in our ministries.
If you have addressed these issues, we would love to hear what you have done and what has been your experience in talking with the parents.  If there are any resources that you use that would benefit us all, please share those as well.

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