Lord’s Prayer Coloring Pages

The Lord's Prayer Coloring Book
Click to download our free LORD’s PRAYER coloring pages in PDF format
Page features "Our Father in Heaven"
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This free coloring book is based on the Lord’s Prayer. Use the preview images below to navigate to the different sheets included in the project. If you are in a hurry, download the complete book. It has all the pages previewed below plus the bonus prayer activity sheets.

We’ve also written a 10 part series of Bible lessons on the Lord’s Prayer.

Directions: Right click on the links below to save this coloring page in the file format of your choice. Follow the small preview images below for additional pages.

  • pdf ~ easy to print & email
  • jpeg ~ better for editing

Like all our free materials, we encourage you to share this freely with parents, ministry leaders, and children in your church.

The second page of this Lord’s Prayer coloring book is based on the petition, “Give us this day our daily bread.” The coloring picture shows a girl remembering all the ways God has provided food in her life. This thankfulness represents the what of our prayer to God.

Forgive Our Sins Coloring Page

The third page in this coloring page series explains the words “forgive our sins as we forgive others.” This is the how of the model prayer where God teaches us to seek forgiveness from God and extend that to other. More sheets in this series are coming soon.

Coloring page preview

The fourth page in this series is based on the request, “Lead us not into temptation.” Mandy illustrates this prayer with a picture of a young boy reaching for a cookie jar while his mom is looking the other way. This is the “when” of prayer, especially when facing trials and temptation.

Coloring Sheet "Thine is the Kingdom"

The final page in this project is based on the traditional ending to this prayer, “Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen!”  The picture shows a young boy kneeling to pray. This page highlights the surprising truth that even children can have direct access to Almighty God through prayer.

Matthew 6:9-13 ESV

Pray then like this:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

If you enjoy this resource, be sure to browse our Christian coloring pages, you might enjoy the other prayer coloring pages we’ve posted on the website. We also found some great ideas for teaching the Lord’s Prayer on this reader’s blog post.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

12 thoughts on “Lord’s Prayer Coloring Pages”

  1. I love your Children’s church curriculum. I just found you on-line and I’m grateful that the Holy Spirit led me to your site. Continue blessing the world with the truth which starts with our children.

  2. Thank you for your site. We are a small church and this has been wonderful for our new Wednesday night program

  3. Thank you for ur wonderful website…i just love it!! Thank God i’ve found ur website and thank you for giving us permission to use your lessons to teach our kids. We are a small Church and it help gives us the idea to teach the little childrens class. May the Lord bless you, Xing

  4. What a wonderful surprise to find the lessons I needed for the next four weeks of teaching the Lords to my Sunday school class. Thank you so much. It is perfect! It’s on a level they can understand and apply to their lives. Many blessing to you and your staff.

  5. Thank you so much for all the help. From volunteers to the children’s lesson, This website has been amazing. I have only been Children’s coordinator for a few months now and this has been a huge blessing.

  6. We greatly appreciate your vision and action of creating this site to help to spread the gospel through our children. When a strong foundation is built we have hope that whatever is built on this foundation would be great also. I enjoy studying the word on this level to then teach my children at church the wonderful word of God in a fun way. They have so much fun especially when we act out the stories.
    Thank you and God bless
    Nydia Taylor, (St. Kitts)

  7. Good Evening, and thank you for your wonderful website. Our next lesson next week is about the holy spirit, and the thought of printing a lesson with the dove symbol came to my mind.
    Well, I immediately came to your website with the page “Learn about the Holy Spirit, which has a dove puzzle, can you believe it. The Holy Spirit works in wonderful ways.
    Amen and God Bless you.
    Jersey City, NJ

  8. I totally love your website and your ministry. I am so thankful the Lord led me to you guys. praise be to the true God of heaven and our savior Jesus Christ. thanks

  9. May God our Heavenly Father continue to grow you guys in His wisdom and knowledge. It is a pleasure teaching my children the Scriptures with such God inspired material. You guys are a blessing. Thank You and God bless you more! Glory Jesus!

  10. This website is filled with so many ready to use, practical and meaningful lessons. I love the wide variety of topics covered. You have encouraged me and given me tools that would have taken a good deal of time to come up with on my own. You are excellent and I believe you are definitely bringing glory to God as you minister to those of us minister in to children.

  11. Thank you very much for the opportunity to help the kids in our Bible Study. I actually do not know what to teach our kids but these helps me/us a lot. Thank you for sharing it with us. May our Lord Jesus Christ keep blessing all of us and help us teach our children about the word of God. Thank you so much again.

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