6 Life Changing Lessons from the Book of Job

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6 Life Changing Lessons from the Book of Job
Nobody enjoys taking test or going through a trial yet those are things that we do participate in whether we want to do not. In our current Christian culture, the idea of test, trials and temptations are all kind of lumped together although they should not be. It is true that God does not tempt us but he does allow us to be tested. Times of testing reveal hidden things to us that we might not otherwise know.  For example we may not know what our strengths are and we may not understand our level of faith. Trials when finished or completed bring that information to light. Shouldn’t we then teach children these valuable lessons from the book of Job to help prepare them for the inevitable tests?
Consider teaching the six lessons from the book of Job.
1. God does not tempt us but he does test. This lesson comes from 1 Peter 1:7. These (meaning trials)have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though fire refined by fire – may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Your proven faith is of great value to God!
2. We learn that God knows. God knows all. He knows what you’re going through even when it feels like nobody understands or sees. The verses I use are taken from the book of Luke chapter 12. Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be afraid you’re worth more than many sparrows.

3. Trials are limited by God. At the first part of the book of Job we see Satan approaching the throne of God. He asked to test Job but God limits his powers. Trials are always limited by God. They will not kill you.
4. Trials cause us to grow in our knowledge of God. At the end of the book of Job, Job and his friends had a much greater understanding of the nature of God.
5. Knowing why isn’t always an option. Asking “why” is not bad but neither is not hearing an answer. God does rarely tell us why these things happen. That does not mean he is indifferent to our suffering.
6. God rewards those who endure tests. Look at the end of the book of Job. Job, although brokenhearted at the loss of his family, was rewarded with a newfamily and greater wealth. God always rewards his faithful ones.
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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2 thoughts on “6 Life Changing Lessons from the Book of Job”

  1. I disagree with the part about trials will not kill you. Martyrs are killed by their trials. I wouldn’t necessarily tell the children this but you can’t say that trials won’t kill us.

  2. I think this article should have expanded on the part that God told Satan not to touch his servant Job. In Job’s case, Satan was not allowed to kill Job. God is ultimately in control of how far Satan can go as far as testing God’s people.

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