Lesson: Naaman Is Healed (2 Kings 5)

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Bible Lesson for Kids: Naaman is Healed
Sometimes in our life we go through situations that are difficult. Naaman was an interesting character in the Bible. He had leprosy and wanted to be healed, but wasn’t willing to do what God’s prophet, Elisha, told him to do. This is a great lesson to teach our children about following directions and more importantly following what God tells us to do.
Supply List For Today’s Lesson:

  • Paper
  • Marker
  • Post-it notes
  • Tape
  • CD player
  • CD
  • Bibles

(Please know that times have been given and are approximate and not exact times. Allow the children to continue with a certain activity if it is productive and they are interested in it…but don’t let them go on too long either. Flexibility with the children is important and will help with their development and understanding of the material.)
“So Naaman went down to the Jordan River. He dipped himself in it seven times. Then his skin was made pure again.” 2 Kings 5:14
So Naaman went down to the Jordan River: wave your arms like waves of water
He dipped himself in it seven times: bend down 7 times
Then his skin was made pure again: smile while wiping your arms
2 Kings 5: hold up 5 fingers
14: hold up 1 finger on one hand and 4 fingers on the other hand
Do this a few times with the children. Make it fun for them to do the motions and say the words. Involving them in active learning is essential for memorization.
BIBLE VERSE ACTIVITY – (10 minutes) Bible Verse Walk
Before class:
Print the words of the Bible Verse on pieces of paper (a few words per page)
Place a Post-it note on each paper near the words
Number the phrases in the verse order, writing the numbers on the Post-it notes
Tape papers randomly to classroom walls
During class:
As you play music, students walk around the room
When music stops, each student places their hand on the nearest paper (more than one student can be touching a paper)
Have the students touching the first paper read their part of the Bible Verse – continuing through the entire verse
Do this a few times so the children will really learn the verse
BIBLE LESSON – (15 minutes)
Read 2 Kings 5:1-16
What position in the military did Naaman hold? captain of the army
Describe Naaman. great man, highly respected, valiant warrior, leper
Who spoke to Naaman’s wife? a servant girl from Israel
What did the servant girl want Naaman to do? Why? to go to the prophet in Samaria to be cured of leprosy
Who did Naaman go see first? the king of Israel
What was the king’s response to Naaman? he tore his clothes
What is the prophet’s name? Elisha
Who did Elisha send out to tell Naaman what to do? his servant
What did the servant tell Naaman to do? go and wash in the Jordan seven times
What was Naaman’s response? he was furious
What did Naaman want Elisha to do? come out to him, call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over him
Who talked Naaman into following the directions? his servants
What happened when Naaman did what Elisha had told him? his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child and he was clean
ACTIVITY (10 minutes) God Says (a.k.a. Simon Says)
“During our Bible Story today, Naaman was told to do specific things so that he would be healed. We are going to play “God Says” to practice listening to what God says.”
Play “God Says” with the children
Don’t miss these other lesson ideas from our website:

  1. Naaman Is Healed of Leprosy (Children’s Sunday School Lesson)
  2. Bible Lesson: Elisha and Naaman
  3. Lesson: Israel’s Northern Kings “King Ahab”
  4. Elisha’s Enemies (Sunday School Lesson for Kids)
  5. Sunday School Lesson: Israel’s Northern Kings
New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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