Lesson: King Hezekiah Celebrates Passover

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The kings of israel Sunday School Bible Lessons for childrenThis is a continuation of the study of Israel’s Kings.  In part 2 of the life of King Hezekiah this lesson focuses on King Hezekiah’s invitation to all (both Northern and Southern Kingdoms) Israel to come to Jerusalem and celebrate Passover.  Students will be learning about the meaning of Passover and how it was pointing God’s people to the Lamb of God Jesus who would take away the sins of the world.
This lesson is only a guide to help you to prepare for your class.  It was created for older students but can be adapted for your individual needs.  Click here to see all the Bible lessons in this series.

Bible Story Title: King Hezekiah Celebrates Passover
Bible Passage: 2 Chronicles 30-31:1
Target Age Group: Age 9 – 11 (U.S. 3rd – 5th Grade)
Learning Context: Sunday School
Target Time Frame: 60 minutes
Printer Friendly Bible Lesson: [print_link] this lesson plan
You Can Help: Please share your feedback and suggestions to improve this children’s Bible lesson. Click here to respond

Supply List: Bibles, construction paper, markers, supplies to make invitations, visual aids for telling the story (use Google Images)
Learning Goal: Students will learn that believers are commanded to invite others to come to Jesus and be saved from their sins.
Learning Activity #1: Students create invitations to communicate the Gospel to someone who is not a believer.
Learning Activity #2: Passover Activities for Kids from Apples for Teachers
Test: Review Questions
Memory Verse:  2 Corinthians 5:20 “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ’s behalf:  Be reconciled to God.”
(If Hezekiah Part One was taught and 1 Peter 2:9 was introduced you can build upon the responsibilities of a believer.  Believers are God’s royal priests pointing others to Jesus.  Ambassadors represent King Jesus. As Christ’s ambassadors believers invite others to come to Jesus so they can be reconciled to God.)
Gospel Connection:  Using brown construction paper cut two pieces 10 inches long and 1 ½  inch wide.  Cut one piece 5 inches by 1 ½ inch wide.  This visual connects the blood placed on the door posts on the first Passover and Jesus’ death on the cross. (Display the 3 strips of construction paper in the shape of a door frame) On that first Passover if the Death angel saw the blood he passed over the home and did not send death to that family.  (Take away one of the long strips and make the door frame into a cross)  Jesus the Lamb of God sent to take away the sins of the world shed His blood on the cross.  All who believe by faith that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sins, was buried and rose again is saved from death.  (Romans 6:23) When you believe in Jesus, God sees His shed blood over the ‘door post’ of your heart and will not punish you as your sins deserve.

Bible Lesson:  King Hezekiah Part 2:  Celebrate Passover

(Introduce or refresh students’ memory of the meaning of Passover for God’s people.  Exodus 12)
Many years ago God’s people the Israelites were slaves in the land of Egypt.  God sent Moses to Pharaoh (the king of Egypt) warning him to let the Israelites go.  If he was unwilling to release the Israelites God was going to punish the Egyptian people.  The Pharaoh did not listen to Moses and God sent 9 plagues (or disasters) to punish Egypt.  The tenth plague was the final blow to the nation of Egypt.  Pharaoh would finally let the Israelites go free.
Through Moses, God warned of the coming devastation of the death of the firstborn males (human and animal).  He also made a provision for deliverance and protection from the disaster.
God commanded the people to kill a lamb and take the blood and place it on the door frame of their home.  Everyone who had the blood from the lamb on the outside of the door frame would be kept safe when the death angel went throughout the land killing the firstborn of each family.  If the death angel saw the blood he passed by the home and the firstborn was not put to death.
God rescued His people on the night of this terrible plague of the firstborn.  God didn’t want His people to ever forget the deliverance from slavery.  He commanded that every year His people celebrated Passover to remind them.
Let’s return to 2 Chronicles 30 as we continue our study of King Hezekiah.
Hezekiah became king during a very wicked and sinful time of Israel’s history.  Many years had passed from the night that God rescued them from slavery in Egypt.  God had powerfully rescued them from being slaves to pharaoh.  Now God’s people were slaves to sin.  They chose to disobey God’s laws and worship false gods and do every kind of evil thing.
Read 2 Kings 17:7-12.  Throughout God’s word we will see that God is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4).  On the night that God was going to destroy the firstborn in Egypt, He provided deliverance to those who by faith obeyed God by putting blood on the door frames.  This is an example of mercy because God didn’t have to provide a way to avoid punishment.
All people have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.  All people deserve to be punished for their sins. (Romans 3:23, 6:23)  God is holy and must punish sin.  However He always provides a way of escape.  As we examine the wickedness of Israel we see that He sent prophets to warn of coming punishment.  Read 2 Kings 17:13.
Sadly, the Northern kingdom would not repent.  (2 Kings 17:15-17)  God punished them as He said.  (2 Kings 17:18-20)
Hezekiah recognized the sinfulness that surrounded him.  Someone had taught him from God’s Word who God is and what He expects His people to do.  He understood that God must punish sin if His people did not repent and turn away from their sin.
(From King Hezekiah Part 1) Hezekiah called the priests and Levites to cleanse themselves and the temple. (2 Chronicles 29)

  • Do you recognize the evil that is taking place in the world around you?  What actions are you taking to point others back to God?

2 Chronicles 30:1-9 King Hezekiah sends messengers with an invitation to celebrate Passover.
The invitations were unlike most invitations you and I have received to attend a celebration (birthday, wedding, etc.)
Let’s read the invitation that went to the entire nation of Israel (Both the Northern-some Israelites remained after most of them were taken as prisoners to the land of Assyria, and Southern kingdoms)
Read 2 Chronicles 30:6-9.  What was King Hezekiah inviting all of Israel to do?

  • Return to the Lord.  (Verse 6)
  •  Come to the sanctuary. (Verse 8)
  • Serve the Lord. (Verse 8)

What was the warning that King Hezekiah sent out in the invitation?

  •  Do not be unfaithful and stubborn to the Lord.

What promise is found in King Hezekiah’s invitation?  (Verse 9)

  • God invites you to turn away from your sin.  Come to Jesus and have your sins forgiven.

2 Chronicles 30:10-12 Some accept invitation and some reject.
Read 2 Chronicles 30:10-11.  It’s hard to understand why people who have experienced God’s punishment (Northern kingdom has been taken captive by Assyria) reject His invitation to repent.
Even today people hear the Good News that Jesus rescues people from sin.  They will mock, ridicule and even persecute believers who share the message.
The messengers obeyed King Hezekiah and invited all the people. Some rejected and some accepted the invitation to celebrate Passover.

  •  Believers are commanded by King Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) to share the invitation to come to Jesus and be saved from sin.  Some will accept and be saved and some will reject and face God’s punishment (separated from God for all eternity in a place called hell).

2 Chronicles 30:13-27 A large crowd celebrates Passover.
Those who came and celebrated Passover experienced God’s healing (verse 20) and great rejoicing (vs. 21, 23, 25-26).

  • When we remember what God has done for us by sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross in our place it should cause us to rejoice.

2 Chronicles 31:1 Celebration leads to action.
Read verse 1.  The invitation to come is not only for an emotional response.  When we come near to God He comes near to us.  (James 4:7-10) When we experience God’s forgiveness and blessing it should change our lives.
The Israelites smashed and demolished idolatrous objects and places where worship of false gods took place.

  •  As we look at our own lives and compare what God tells us to do (from His Word) and how we live, what sins need to be ‘smashed’ and ‘destroyed’?

The Passover that God’s people were commanded to celebrate each year was a preparation for them to recognize the Lamb of God (Jesus) who takes away the sin of the world.  Jesus was crucified on the night that the Jews were sacrificing their lambs in remembrance of their deliverance from Egypt.
Gospel Connection:  Use the brown pieces of construction paper and share the connection between the blood on the door posts and Jesus’ death on the cross.  Jesus was crucified on the cross as our sacrifice for the sin of every man, woman, boy and girl.  God made provision for the deliverance of my sin so that I can be rescued from the punishment of sin (eternal separation from God in hell).
Is this the first time you’ve heard the invitation to come to Jesus to have your sins forgiven?  Don’t delay.  Today is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2)
If you have accepted the invitation and are saved, are there sins you need to turn from so you can return to a close relationship with God?  (1 John 1:9)
In our first lesson about King Hezekiah we learned that if we are believers we have a high calling as Royal priests.  Believers are representatives in this world to invite others to come to Jesus and celebrate eternal life.
Close in prayer.
Review Questions:

  1. Why did God command His people to celebrate Passover?  (To remember how they were rescued from Egyptian slavery, to prepare them for the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world)
  2. What did Hezekiah invite all Israel to do?  (Come to Jerusalem and celebrate Passover)
  3. How did God’s people respond to the invitation?  (Some ridiculed and some came to celebrate)
  4. What emotion did those who celebrated Passover feel?  (Great joy)
  5. What action did the people take after Passover ended?  (They smashed and destroyed things and places that were for false gods)
  6. How can people be saved from the punishment for sins?  (Believe in Jesus the Lamb of God)
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