Jesus Feeds 5,000 Sunday School Lesson

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Here is another lesson plan based on John 6:4-14 where Jesus miraculously feeds 5,000 men along with their families. This Bible lesson for children could be used in children’s church or expanded for a kids Sunday School lesson. Please leave any suggestions at the bottom of this page. For more help, you can review another lesson plan based on this passage.
Curriculum text: John 6:4-14
Time: 20 minutest
Learning Objectives: After this lesson….

  • Children express their knowledge of the key people and events in this passage by retelling the story.
  • Children express what they understand about the way the Lord cares about their needs.
  • Children express what they understand about the Lord’s power to do the impossible.

Target Age: Kindergarten-5th grade;
Material Needed:

  • [print_link] this lesson plan
  • Bible, John 6:4-14. Prepare beforehand a copy of the important points highlighted to ensure specific explanations on them.
  • Visual Aids: Pictures of Jesus, disciples, Phillip, Andrew, crowds, boy with a basket, a game with all it’s pieces.

Children’s Church Teaching Plan:

Establish the lesson by briefly explaining who the key people to the story are by showing the pictures of Jesus, disciples, Phillip, Andrew, crowds, and boy with basket and their role in the story. Make sure the children repeat their names.
Prior to reading the story, divide the group of children into two groups and ask one half to listen for what they learn about the Lord’s power. Ask the other half of the children to identify the special lesson Jesus wanted the disciples, especially Phillip, to learn.
Read (and Recap) John 6:4-14. Read with different voice inflections and stop to involve the children into the story. Reinforce the lesson by asking questions. Can Jesus do anything? Yes. Is any problem to big for Jesus to solve? No. Does Jesus care about what we need? Yes. Say to the children, “If we are honest, sometimes we don’t think Jesus cares about what we are feeling or going through, don’t we?”
When you’re finished reading the story, use the pictures to review the important people and events in the story.
Ask for a response from the children about their listening assignment. What did Phillip and the other disciples learn about Jesus? What did you learn about Jesus power in this story?
Select a volunteer to demonstrate the lesson Jesus had for the disciples. Show the children a game they would all be familiar with playing such as candyland, checkers, or monopoly. Ask the volunteer to explain to the others all the items they need to play the game. Reiterate the fact that Jesus knew that the crowd needed food, and He was able to make enough food for everyone to eat and be satisfied.

Children’s Church Lesson Evaluation:

  • Ask for two or three students to retell the story to the class as if they were going to tell someone who knows nothing about Jesus. Ask the children to take turns telling a portion of the story. Remember to prompt the children, by asking, “What happened next?”
  • Ask for a volunteer to explain what Jesus wanted the disciples and them to learn from what He did.
  • Give a list of possible lessons and ask the children to stand up if it was from the story, but to remain sitting if it wasn’t.
    • God knows what we need even before we ask Him. Yes.
    • God is everywhere. True, but not part of this story.
    • Jesus died on the cross for our sins. True, but not part of this story.
    • Jesus can make food multiple. Yes.
    • God made them just they way they are. True, but not part of this story.
    • God can meet all of our needs. Yes.

Need More Help? Browse our collection of free Sunday school lessons or find a game for your children’s church.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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