Lesson: How Do I Worship God? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #6)

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How Do I Worship God? (Tough Questions – Lesson 6)
The concept of worship is often assumed but rarely taught to children. This lesson plan will help kids understand how to worship God in their daily lives. Don’t miss the other lessons in this series, “Tough Questions Kids Ask.”

OBJECTIVE: To understand the definition of worship and learn how to worship in our daily lives.
MAIN IDEA: The Lord wants us to have sincere hearts and pure motives when we worship. Physical actions during worship mean nothing without internal submission to God.
SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: 2 Chronicles 29:27-28, John 4:24, Isaiah 29:13, Hebrews 12:28-29, Revelation 15:4
MATERIAL(S): Word search grid sheets (download here), pencils

Introduction (5 minutes)
OPENING PRAYER: “Lord, today we are learning how to worship you. Prepare our minds and hearts to accept what your word says about worship. Amen.”
PREVIOUS LESSON REVIEW: Say, “Last week we learned about praying out loud. We know that we pray for the same things whether we pray silently or out loud (forgiveness, provision, guidance, God’s will). Did anyone practice praying out loud this week?” Reiterate to the students that praying out loud requires humility. Also, remind the students to continue using their prayer boxes they created as a way to see how God answers prayer.
Lesson (15 minutes)

  1. Ask, “What do you think the word ‘worship’ means (allow time for answers and discussion)? What actions are involved in worshipping God? How do we typically worship God at church (through songs and prayer)?” Explain to the students that worshipping God is more than singing or simply being present at church: It’s about submitting ourselves to God’s will and professing our love for him. Ask, “What other ways could we worship God (by reading scripture, meditating on creation, serving God and others, etc)?”
  2. Go on to read verses that tell us how to physically worship God. Read 2 Chronicles 29:27-28. Ask, “How did the Hebrew people worship in these verses (singing, playing instruments, bowing to the Lord)? Isn’t it great that we still worship in the same ways?!” Then read John 4:24 to help students understand that the Holy Spirit equips us to worship. Go on to explain that physical actions, however, mean nothing if our hearts aren’t sincere and reverent before God.
  3. Tell students that God cares most about our motives when we worship. Read Isaiah 29:13. Ask, “So how can we prepare our hearts to worship the right way (prayer, bible study, repentance, etc)? What are some ‘rules’ that don’t mean anything if our hearts aren’t submitted to God when we worship (service, giving money, singing, etc)?” Next read Hebrews 12:28-29. Point out that these verses say we should have “reverence and awe” when we worship God because of his ultimate authority. Also, because of God’s holiness, we should worship him with fear. Read Revelation 15:4. Say, “Because we understand God’s authority and holiness, worship must be an act of submission and praise.”

Conclusion (5 minutes)
RECAP: Physical actions during worship are a result of our internal desire to be right before God and praise his holiness. We must listen to the Spirit’s guidance to make sure we have the right attitude about worship.
CLOSING PRAYER: “God, please give us conviction when we do not worship you the right way, and help us to surrender our desires and actions to your will. Amen.”
Word Search Review Activity (20 minutes) *Download HERE*
Ask, “Have you ever wondered how to make a word search? Today we are going to use what we learned about worship to create unique word searches.” Give each student the “Worship Word Search” sheet. First, have the class come up with at least ten words and write them in the word bank (e.g. worship, singing, prayer, service). Then advise the students to use only capital letters and find a place to write each word in the grid. Challenge them to write in all directions: up, down, diagonal and even backward. Once all the words have a place, fill in the rest of the boxes with additional letters. For fun, ask the students trade word searches and complete their neighbor’s creation.

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