2010 LifeWay Kids Ministry Conference Recap & Video

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You can’t say I didn’t warn you. I’ve now arrived safely in Alabama and I’m all set for the LifeWay Kids Ministry conference. This post is my wrap-up from the event. Here is my video recap of the week.

YouTube video

I taught two sessions of each of the following. Most of the learning came through discussion, but here were the notes we used. The audience was very engaged in both and made a great learning experience. I made so many new friends and met many others who already follow our website.

What Else I’ve Bene Doing

I finally got to meet some of the people from LifeWay. It always surprises me to hear they really do read our blog. Pictured left to right: Mary Katharine Hunt // Courtney Baker // Tony Kummer // Becky Loyd
It was great to finally put a face with all their #kidmin tweets. As I’ve said before, LifeWay is showing real leadership in social media right now.
In other news, I finally met Ryan Frank the editor of K! Magazine. He was teaching a workshop next to mine and we kept running into each other all week.
Overall, the conference was  a positive experience. I appreciated the time to worship God and refresh for my own ministry. There was one incident where a fire alarm disrupted the workshops. It turned out to be a mistake with a fog machine, but I was able to capture it all one video.

YouTube video

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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