The Kings of Israel (Lesson Series Index)

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The kings of israel This page is the index to our series of lesson plans that follow the Kings of Israel. This page will be updated as the posts are published. These lessons were designed for older elementary children, but you could modify them for a broader range of kids.
Like all our content, this curriculum is 100% free to use in your church, home, or school. Click here if you would like to share how you are using them.

Lesson Index

  1. Israel asks for a king from 1 Samuel 8
  2. King Saul’s good start from 1 Samuel 9
  3. King Saul’s rebellious heart from 1 Samuel 13 & 15
  4. Daivd: the man after God’s Heart from 1 Samuel 16
  5. Young David Defeats the Giant from 1 Samuel 17
  6. King Saul Persecutes David from 1 Samuel 18-20
  7. David Becomes King (Finally!) from 2 Samuel 1-2, 5, 7
  8. Gifts for Building the Temple from 1 Chronicles 29:1-20
  9. The Wisdom of Solomon from 2 Chronicles 1:2-13
  10. Solomon Turns Away from the Lord from 1 Kings 11
  11. The Kingdom is Divided from 1 Kings 12
  12. Rehoboam and Jeroboam Reign from 1 Kings 12-14
  13. Abjiah Trust in God from 1 Kings 15
  14. Asa Seeks God from 1 Kings 15
  15. Northern Kingdom of Israel Kings 1 Kings 12-16
  16. Jehoshaphat’s dangerous friendship 2 Chronicles 17 – 19
  17. King Jehoshaphat’s enemies 2 Chronicles 20
  18. Joash is Safely Hidden 2 Chronicles 21 -23
  19. Jehoiada’s Godly Influence 2 Chronicles 23 & 24
  20. King Amaziah’s Distractions 2 Chronicles 25
  21. The Northern Kings (Part 2) King Ahab 1 Kings 21
  22. Uzziah Seeking God 2 Chronicles 26
  23. Ahaz brings trouble 2 Chronicles 28
  24. Hezekiah brings reform 2 Chronicles 29
  25. Hezekiah celebrates the Passover 2 Chronicles 30
  26. Hezekiah prays when threatened 2 Chronicles 32
  27. Manasseh repents and finds God’s Mercy 2 Chronicles 33
  28. King Josiah Part #1 2 Kings 22

Other Resources: There are many excellent places on the Internet to find children’s Sunday School lessons. Here are a few that might help you further develop what we’ve posted above. You are encouraged to collect ideas from several places and craft a lesson that best suits the children you teach.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

14 thoughts on “The Kings of Israel (Lesson Series Index)”

  1. excellent page. full of worth. very helpful for my ministry, started the topic kings of Israel from yesterday.These are the best lessons for teaching the church sundayschool.

  2. I am always looking for good Sunday School material that actually uses the Bible. These are wonderful lessons that I am going to adapt to our youth ministry. Thank you so much for continuing to publish great lesson material. I have been using Ministry-to-Children for at least 15 years for various ages. Y’all continue to aid in my ministry and I thank you for that!

  3. Ministry-to-Children always has something to help supplement my lesson! My toddler class is young but they are learning and your site always supplies me with an idea or a craft or coloring page! Thank you!!! Absolutely love that I can count on you for biblical truths and spirit filled inspiration!

  4. I’m a Sunday school assistant and I’m asked to bring the lesson from time to time and I’m by no means a teacher but I do wanna be obedient to God and do my best I just need a little help planning a lesson and some ideas that would help me to bring God’s words to the kids

  5. I am grateful for these lessons. I thank this ministry for their help over the years. i pray God continue to use you to bless us.

  6. I just got done reading first and second Samuel and was so inspired to incorporate it into Sunday School! Super excited for this content!

  7. I have very little experience with teaching kids in the Sunday. I hope to get inspired with right material.

  8. I teach Children’s church from ages 6-12. I want to challenge them to studying God’s word and apply it to their lives. I want them to understand that God has a plan for their lives, even while they are young.

  9. Thank you for sharing. I teach children 6-12 I love to challenge their thinking and build their knowledge of our loving and merciful God. And I want them to know that God has a plan for them even at their young age.

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