Printable Sermon Note Taking Sheet for Kids

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Sermon Note taking printable for kids
Printable Sermon Note Taking Sheets for Kids

It’s no secret that kids often struggle to pay attention during the sermon in big church. Sometimes the problem is comprehension, other times it’s just listening skills. This post features a downloadable resource to help the children in your church. It was sent to us from Rich Shipe, who first posted it on his church website.
Directions: To download this free resource, simply click the preview image to the right for a print-friendly PDF file.
Here is how Rick described this resource when he first emailed us:

I created it more than a year ago and have been using it with my own children since that time. When my three kids started using it they were 9, 8, and 7. I’ve been amazed at what they are able to pick up and glean from the sermons when they’ve been taught/guided on how to listen and take notes. I wasn’t a great note taker until later in high school so I was fairly pessimistic about their ability at that age to listen to a sermon geared toward adults and write good notes. But I’ve been blown away with how they’ve progressed. It isn’t unusual for them to fill this form and flip it over and start working notes down the back!

Again, in Rick’s words here is there routine:

  1. We got them each three ring binders that they’ve decorated and personalized that they bring to church with the recent old notes and a blank page for the new sermon.
  2. They take their notes as best they can. We might whisper little tips to them along the way or show them things we’ve written down.
  3. Then for dinner on Monday we all get out our notes and we do the review. At that time we help them fill in any details they missed and talk about how the sermon would apply to their life.
  4. You’ll see in the form that we give them a basic guide that seems to help them structure their notes. Also there is a place for them to write out words they don’t know. If you have any ideas on improving it I’d love to hear them!

Some benefits they’ve seen seen:

  • Almost immediately they all became better and more active listeners because they want to have something to say and contribute on Monday night.
  • Learning at a young age the important skill of note taking.
  • Easy opportunity for family application of the sermon and the Bible text.
  • Expanding vocabulary.

You can click here to leave a response to this post. You can offer suggestions for improvements or just say thanks to Rick for sending out this free resource.

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