2011 Kidmin Blog Madness (2nd round)

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This contest has moved on to the final round. Click here to check it out and vote for your favorite kids ministry blogger.
Our first round had all the upsets, comebacks, and buzzer beaters you would expect. The competition got a little more intense when several of the bloggers sniffed out the grand prize.  Yes, I am really going to buy someone an iPad 2.
Now it’s on to round two and expect things to really heat up. If you’re not familiar with these great blogs, follow the links below to check them out. No fluff here, each of the these final 16 have proven their value in head-to-head competition.
Vote for your favorite in each division and then go rally some support for your friends. The comment section is open for punditry and pandering. This round will close on Saturday 26 March. Only one will advance from each division below.

West Regional

  1. Leader 2 Leader (Jim Wideman) Opening seed was #4 and earned 151 votes in the first round.
  2. Lemon Lime Kids (Amy Dolan) Opening seed was #2 and earned 109 votes in the first round.
  3. Kidmin1124 Opening seed was#7 and earned 104 votes in the first round.
  4. Roger Fields Opening seed was #14 and earned 103 votes in the first round.

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Southeast Regional

  1. Kidologist.com – Karl Bastian Opening seed was #4 and earned 100 votes in the first round
  2. Kidmin360.com Opening seed was #9 and earned 99 votes in the first round
  3. Justyn Smith Opening seed was #5 and earned 81 votes in the first round.
  4. Orange Leaders Opening seed was #3 and earned 76 votes in the first round.

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East Regional

    1. Commander Bill Opening seed was #14 and earned 176 votes in the first round.
    2. sam luce Opening seed was #1 and earned 113 votes in the first round.
    3. Dad In The Middle Opening seed was #3 and earned 78 votes in the first round.
    4. About the Children’s Department Opening seed was #17 and earned 62 votes in the first round.

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Southwest Regional

  1. Small Town Kidmin Opening seed was #14 and earned 113 votes in the first round.
  2. Free CM Stuff Opening seed was #7 and earned 111 votes in the first round.
  3. Children’s Ministry Online (Kenny Conley) Opening seed was #1 and earned 108 votes in the first round.
  4. West Coast CM (Anthony Prince) Opening seed was #6  and earned 104 votes in the first round.

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