Kids Fear Factor: How to Help Children Overcome Fear

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The spirit of fear plays upon the deepest parts of a child’s being. A child’s natural tendency is to fear the great big world he finds himself in. Children’s workers are familiar with the common but serious fears of children. The most popular are fear of the dark, what is under the bed and anything unfamiliar in his life. This vulnerability makes him a potential candidate for the fear factor. This spirit is a negative motivator that peaks children’s curiosities and tempts them to step into the realm of the mystical in order to ‘take control’ of their own lives. The Bible very plainly says that this spirit is not from God and in fact, His perfect love drives fear away. You can turn off the television and keep kids from seeing spooky films but you can’t hide them away from a world that loves Halloween and all things scary. So how do we as children’s pastors help kids overcome the fear factor?

Talk About It

Fear loves the dark. Let’s face it. How often do you get prayer requests about being afraid of the bright morning sunshine? Address kids’ fear factors. This season is the perfect time to unveil what fear really is and what God thinks about it. Kids should be allowed to express how they feel and what they are afraid of in a safe, non-judgmental environment. A small class setting or smaller ‘informal’ parties are perfect for sitting down and shooting the breeze with kids. Talk about your own childhood fears and how you overcame them. Don’t knock down a child’s fears but help them to see past to them to the God who loves them and protects them.

Hand Out Ammunition

Children’s workers should hand out the appropriate ammunition for kids to fight off the fiery darts of the enemy. Give kids scripture to use when faced with real fearful situations. Teach them in skits, puppet shows and any kind of role playing activities, how to use the Word of God. Jesus overcame the devil by using the Word. We should teach children to do the same. Teach kids scripture songs they can sing when they are facing a dark room by themselves. With the right tools, they’ll be victorious champions for Him.


Surround your children with prayer. Pray for them, targeting specifically a fearful spirit. Teach children how to pray with faith and understanding. Show them by example how to pray and how to pray for each other. Including children in the labor of praying for one another will pay huge spiritual dividends all their lives. Build a fear factor proof prayer net around your children’s ministry and watch kids soar in God’s perfect love. If you sense fear is a real problem amongst your children, bring your prayer request to your church prayer ministry or support staff.

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