"What is Love?" (Printable Devotions for Kids)

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What is Love Devotional for Kids
This printable devotion for kids entitled “What is Love?” is the second of its kind. Click here to see the first devotional plan about hope. Children are given a scripture to read and a question to answer each day to practice studying God’s word. This particular topic is important because biblical love is one of the most misunderstood topics in today’s world. The devotion outlines the truth concerning love, and there is also an instruction page that may be passed out.
With these devotions, children can go at their own pace and not necessarily have to fit all the devotions in one month. The important thing to remember is that children have to, at some point, begin taking responsibility for their own growth in the faith, so this is a great way to start!
What is Love?
Week 1 โ€“ Love Explained
Day 1 โ€“ 1 John 4:10 โ€“ What is the greatest love?
Day 2 โ€“ 1 John 4:7 โ€“ Where does love come from?
Day 3 โ€“ 1 John 3:16 โ€“ How do I know Jesus loves me?
Day 4 โ€“ John 3:16 โ€“ How do I know God loves me?
Day 5 โ€“ Psalm 36:7 โ€“ Describe Godโ€™s love.
Day 6 โ€“ Romans 5:8 โ€“ How did God prove his love for me?
Day 7 โ€“ Romans 5:5 โ€“ Who did God give me to show me his love?
Week 2 โ€“ Loveโ€™s Results
Day 1 โ€“ 2 John 1:6 โ€“ How can I โ€œwalk in love?โ€
Day 2 โ€“ 1 John 3:18 โ€“ How should I show love?
Day 3 โ€“ 1 Corinthians 13:6 โ€“ What do love and truth have in common?
Day 4 โ€“ Ephesians 4:15-16 โ€“ How does love help me become mature?
Day 5 โ€“ 1 Corinthians 13:3 โ€“ Do I do things in love?
Day 6 โ€“ Hebrews 1:9 โ€“ What will happen when I love godly things?
Day 7 โ€“ 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 โ€“ List the qualities of love.
Week 3 โ€“ Love for God
Day 1 โ€“ Mark 12:30 โ€“ How can I love God with my entire being?
Day 2 โ€“ Luke 16:30 โ€“ Do I love anything more than I love God?
Day 3 โ€“ Romans 8:28 โ€“ What does God do for those who love him?
Day 4 โ€“ Galatians 2:20 โ€“ How can โ€œChrist live in me?โ€
Day 5 โ€“ Psalm 37:27-28 โ€“ What will happen when I โ€œturn from evil and do good?โ€
Day 6 โ€“ 1 John 2:4-6 โ€“ How is my love for God made complete?
Day 7 โ€“ Jude 1:20-21 โ€“ How long should I โ€œkeep [myself] in Godโ€™s love?โ€
Week 4 โ€“ Love for Others
Day 1 โ€“ 1 John 3:23 โ€“ What must happen before I can love others?
Day 2 โ€“ John 15:12 โ€“ How can I show love by making sacrifices for others?
Day 3 โ€“ Galatians 5:14 โ€“ How can I love others like I love myself?
Day 4 โ€“ John 13:34-35 โ€“ What will people learn about me when I love others?
Day 5 โ€“ Ephesians 4:2 โ€“ How can I lovingly become more patient, humble, and gentle?
Day 6 โ€“ Colossians 2:2-3 โ€“ What happens when believers are โ€œunited in love?โ€
Day 7 โ€“ Romans 13:8-10 โ€“ What one command fulfills the law?
Extras! โ€“ Examples of Love
Day 1 โ€“ 1 Samuel 23:16-18 โ€“ How do I know Jonathan truly loved his friend, David?
Day 2 โ€“ Daniel 6:16 & 19-21 โ€“ How did Daniel show his true love for God?
Day 3 โ€“ 2 Thessalonians 3:7-8 โ€“ How should I serve if I truly love God and others?

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kidsโ€™ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

4 thoughts on “"What is Love?" (Printable Devotions for Kids)”

  1. I so appreciate your web sight and sharing with all of us. I love teaching the kids and these are very helpful. thanks!

  2. I love these printable devotionals for kids!! Do you have other’s like this? I would love to incorporate these ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Oh PLEASE do more series!! This is a great tool for not only the children, but the parents who are engaging in devotional time with the kiddos. ๐Ÿ™‚

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