301 Bible Trivia Questions and Answers (Review Quiz)

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Bible Trivia Questions for Kids - Simple Quiz Questions & Answers

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Bible Trivia questions for Kids - Biblical Quiz review game
301 Bible Quiz question & answers for kids

As with any resource, please consider the level of children you are teaching. Our Bible quiz questions include a mix of simple and hard questions. For younger children, choose the easy questions or turn the right answer into a true or false option. They make a perfect option for an easy Sunday School game. Enjoy and please leave us a comment about how you’re using this material in your children’s ministry.

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301 Bible Tivia Questions for Kids

General Questions about the Bible

Use these Bible trivia questions for kids in a general review when teaching what is scripture. Q = Question, A = Quiz Answer

True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written. (by copies sold)
A: True

Q: What is the first book in the Bible?
A: Genesis

Q: What is the last book in the Bible?
A: Revelation

Q: What four books tell about Jesus life on Earth?
A: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Q: Which book did Jesus directly write?
A: None

Q: What is the longest book in the Bible?
A: Psalms

True or False: David wrote the entire book of Psalms.
False: The Psalms are a collection by many writers, but David contributed the most.

Q: What is the shortest book in the Bible?
A: 3 John

Q: How many books are in the Bible?
A: 66

Q: How many books in the Old Testament?
A: 39 books in the OT

Q: How many books in the New Testament?
A: 27 books in the NT

Q: Which NT book has Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount?
A: Matthew

Ture or False: The Bible was first written in the English language?
A: False

Q: In what language was most of the Old Testament given?
A: Hebrew

Q: In what language was most of the New Testament given?
A: Greek

Q: Which human author wrote the most books?
A: Paul wrote 13 books.

Q: Which human author wrote the most words in the Bible?
A: Moses wrote 125,139 words. (source)

Q: What was most likely the first Gospel written?
A: Mark

Q: What was most likely the last Gospel written?
A: John

Q: What was most likely the first of Paul’s letters written?
A: 1 Thessalonians

Q: What was most likely the last New Testament book written?
A: Revelation

Bible Trivia Questions from Genesis

Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: How many days did God take to create the world?
A: 6

Q: What day did God create man?
A: 6th

Q: Who was the first man?
A: Adam

Q: Who was the first woman?
A: Eve

Q: Where did they live at the beginning of the world?
A: Garden of Eden

Q: Who were their three sons listed in the Bible?
A: Cain, Abel, Seth

Q: Who did God tell to build an ark?
A: Noah

Q: Who were Noahโ€™s three sons?
A: Shem, Ham, Japheth

Q: How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?
A: 40

Q: How many people were saved on the ark?
A: 8

Q: What was Godโ€™s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth again?
A: A rainbow

Q: What were men trying to do at the Tower of Babel?
A: Built a tower to reach to Heaven.

Q: How did God make them spread out across the earth?
A: Confused their languages.

Q: Who did God call out of Ur to move to Canaan?
A: Abram

Q: Who was Abramโ€™s wife?
A: Sarai

Q: Even though Abram and Sarah were too old, what did God promise them?
A: A son

Q: When God showed Abram the stars in the sky, what did he promise?
A: That Abram would have more descendants than the number of stars.

Q: Who was Abramโ€™s handmaid?
A: Hagar

Q: What was Sarahโ€™s idea for Abram to have a child?
A: For Abram to have a child with Hagar.

Q: Who was the first son he had?
A: Ishmael.

Q: What was Abramโ€™s name changed to?
A: Abraham

Q: What was Saraiโ€™s name changed to?
A: Sarah

Q: What was the second son Abraham had?
A: Isaac

Q: Who did Abraham have his second son with?
A: Sarah

Q: Where did Hagar and her son leave to?
A: Into the desert

Q: Who did Abraham send to find Isaac a wife?
A: His oldest servant

Q: Who did the servant choose?
A: Rebekah

Q: What were Isaacโ€™s sonsโ€™ names?
A: Jacob and Esau

Q: Who was born first?
A: Esau came first, with Jacob grabbing his heel.

Q: How did Esau provide food for the family?
A: He hunted.

Q: Who did Isaac favor of his two sons?
A: Esau

Q: What did Jacob do most of the time?
A: Stayed in the home with his mother.

Q: What did Esau receive in exchange for his birthright?
A: Some stew.

Q: As Isaac was dying and blind, who suggested that Jacob should steal the blessing?
A: Rebekah.

Q: How did Esau respond when his birthright was taken?
A: Threatened to kill Jacob.

Q: When Jacob met Laban, which daughter did he want to marry?
A: Rachel.

Q: Who did Laban trick Jacob into marrying?
A: Leah.

Q: What did Laban make Jacob do to finally marry Rachel?
A: Work another seven years.

Q: Who was the first son Jacob had with Rachel?
A: Joseph

Q: What did God change Jacobโ€™s name to before his meeting with Esau?
A: Israel

Q: How many brothers did Joseph have?
A: 11

Q: What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings?
A: A coat of many colors.

Q: What did Joseph tell his brothers about his dreams that upset them?
A: The dreams said he would become greater and rule over them.

Q: How did the brothers get rid of Joseph?
A: Sold him to slave traders.

Q: What did Josephโ€™s brothers tell their father had happened to him?
A: They said Joseph was killed by a wild animal.

Q: Where did the slave traders take Joseph?
A: Egypt

Q: Who bought Joseph?
A: Potiphar, captain of the Pharaohโ€™s guards

Q: Who got Joseph thrown into prison by lying about him?
A: Potipharโ€™s wife

Q: Who else was in prison with Joseph?
A: The Pharaohโ€™s cupbearer and chief baker.

Q: What did Joseph do for them?
A: Interrupted their dreams.

Q: Why was Joseph summoned out of prison by the Pharaoh?
A: To interrupt his dream.

Q: What position of power was Joseph given by the Pharaoh?
A: Second in command of Egypt.

Q: What catastrophe did Joseph predict by interpreting the Pharaohโ€™s dream?
A: A severe, seven-year famine.

Q: Who came to Egypt that Joseph recognized because of the famine?
A: His brothers.

Q: Who was Jacobโ€™s second son with Rachel?
A: Benjamin

Q: What did Joseph tell the brothers to do next time they came back to Egypt?
A: To bring Benjamin with them.

Q: Which brother volunteered to stay in Egypt instead of Benjamin?
A: Judah

Q: What did Joseph tell his brothers to do when they returned to Canaan?
A: Bring their families and their father to Egypt.

Quiz on Early History of Israel

Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: How did Mosesโ€™ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?
A: Put him in a basket in the river.

Q: What did Moses do after he killed an Egyptian?
A: Ran away into the desert.

Q: Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?
A: A burning bush

Q: When Moses confronted the Pharaoh, what did his staff turn into when he threw it on the ground?
A: A snake

Q: What did Moses say God commanded the Pharaoh to do?
A: Let the Israelite slaves go free.

Q: How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
A: 10

Q: What was the final plague that convinced Pharaoh to let the slaves go?
A: The firstborn son of all Egyptian families died.

Q: When Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after the slaves, where did they meet at?
A: By the Red Sea

Q: What did God through Moses to save the slaves?
A: Parted the Red Sea

Q: When the Egyptians tried to follow the Israelites through the Red Sea, what happened?
A: The water crashed on them and killed them all.

Q: What did God send to feed the Israelites in the desert?
A: Quail and manna

Q: Where did God give Moses the Ten Commandments?
A: Mt. Sinai

Q: What golden image did the Israelites make at Mt. Sinai?
A: A golden calf

Q: What did the spies sent into Canaan see that made them scared?
A: Giants in the land

Q: Who were the only two Israelites allowed to go into the Promised Land after many years?
A: Joshua and Caleb

Q: What city did God make the walls fall so Joshua and the Israelites could conquer it?
A: Jericho

Q: After they took over the Promised Land and Joshua died, who ruled Israel?
A: Judges

Q: Who was the woman judge who led Israel to victory?
A: Deborah

Q: Who was the judge who defeated the Midianites with only 300 men using torches and horns?
A: Gideon

Q: Who was the judge who took a Nazarite vow from birth and fought against the Philistines?
A: Samson

Q: With what did Samson kill 1,000 Philistines?
A: A donkeyโ€™s jawbone

Q: What Philistine woman asked Samson what his power came from?
A: Delilah

Q: How did Samson die?
A: Pushing over the temple pillars, killing himself and many Philistines.

Bible Trivia about the Early Kingdom

Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: Who was the first king of Israel?
A: Saul

Q: Who anointed him king?
A: Samuel

Q: Who was the enemy who took the Ark of the Covenant?
A: Philistines

Q: What happened the idol which was beside the Ark in the enemyโ€™s temple?
A: The idol fell over and broke

Q: When the people demanded Saul make a sacrifice to God that only priests should make, what did he do?
A: Made the sacrifice anyways

Q: When Saul conquered the Amalekites, what person did he keep as a prisoner instead of killing like God said to?
A: The king, Agag

Q: What was Saulโ€™s punishment for disobeying?
A: God took his kingdom away

Q: Who was the king of Israel anointed by Samuel after Saul?
A: David

Q: What did David work as for his father?
A: A shepherd

Q: When the Philistines came to attack the Israelites, who mocked God and challenged them?
A: Goliath the giant.

Q: When David wanted to fight Goliath, what did Saul try to give him?
A: His armor

Q: What did David take from the brook to fight Goliath with?
A: Five stones

Q: How many sling-throws did it take David to hit Goliath?
A: One

Q: Who was Saulโ€™s son that David befriended?
A: Jonathan

Q: What did Saul throw to try to kill David?
A: A javelin/spear

Q: What did Jonathan do to save Davidโ€™s life from Saul?
A: Warned him that Saul would try to kill him

Q: What foreign country did David run away to?
A: Land of the Philistines/Philistia

Q: Did Saul give up on chasing David when David went into the wilderness?
A: No

Q: How many times did David spare Saulโ€™s life?
A: Twice

Q: Where did David spare Saulโ€™s life the first time?
A: In a cave

Q: Where did David spare Saulโ€™s life the second time?
A: In the camp where Saul was sleeping

Q: What last judge of Israel died after Saul made a temporary peace with David?
A: Samuel

Q: Where did David go after Saul continued to hunt him?
A: The Land of the Philistines/ Philistia

Q: Where did Saul turn to for advice when he couldnโ€™t sense Godโ€™s will?
A: A witch

Q: What prophet did he ask to speak to?
A: Samuel

Q: How did Saul die?
A: Fell on his own sword

Q: How many of his sons died in the same battle?
A: All of them

Questions about King Davidโ€™s Reign

Use these Bible trivia questions for kids when teaching about the story of King David. Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: Did all of Israel immediately consider David their king?
A: No

Q: Who was Davidโ€™s captain of his army?
A: Joab

Q: When David stayed in Jerusalem, what woman did he see and commit adultery with?
A: Bathsheba

Q: Who was Bathshebaโ€™s husband?
A: Uriah

Q: When Bathsheba got pregnant, what did David make happen to Uriah?
A: He was killed in battle

Q: What prophet came to rebuke David?
A: Nathan

Q: What happened to Bathshebaโ€™s child?
A: The child died

Q: When Bathsheba had another child, what did they name him?
A: Solomon

Q: Who was Davidโ€™s son that started a rebellion against him?
A: Absalom

Q: What capital city did David abandon as Absalom came towards it?
A: Jerusalem

Q: When the two armies battled, what happened to Absalomโ€™s hair?
A: It got caught in a tree

Q: Who killed Absalom?
A: Joab

Q: Because he killed Absalom, what was Joabโ€™s punishment?
A: He was not captain anymore

Q: What was Davidโ€™s second sin recorded in the Bible?
A: He took a census of the people in his nation

Q: During his time as king, who was Davidโ€™s main enemy?
A: Philistines

Q: Which books of the Bible record Davidโ€™s time as king?
A: 1st and 2nd Samuel

Q: Which book did David write most of?
A: Psalms

Bible Trivia Quiz about the Later History of Israel

These could be fun quiz questions when teaching about the final years of Israel’s Kingdom. Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: Who was Davidโ€™s son that became king?
A: Solomon

Q: What trait did Solomon pray for from God?
A: Wisdom

Q: What did Solomon build for the Lord?
A: A temple

Q: What famous queen came to visit Solomon?
A: Queen of Sheba

Q: How many wives did Solomon have?
A: 700

Q: Did Solomon always follow the Lord?
A: No. He turned from God.

Q: Who convinced Solomon to turn from God?
A: His wives

Q: What happened to the kingdom after Solomonโ€™s rule?
A: It split in two

Q: Which books of the Bible record all the kings?
A: 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles

Q: Which books of the Bible did Solomon write?
A: Song of Solomon and Proverbs and some Psalms

Q: How many kings of Judah were there?
A: 20

Q: How many kings of Israel were there?
A: 19

Q: Who conquered Judah and took Daniel to their country?
A: Babylonians

Q: Whose dream did Daniel interpret in -Babylon?
A: King Nebuchadnezzar

Q: Who was the last king Daniel served under in the Bible?
A: Darius

Q: When Daniel prayed to God after it was not allowed, where was he thrown into?
A: The lionโ€™s den

Q: What were Danielโ€™s three friends (Babylonian names)?
A: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

Q: When they refused to bow to an idol, where were they thrown?
A: Into a fiery furnace

Q: Who returned to Israel to build up the walls of Jerusalem?
A: Nehemiah

Q: What Israelite saved her people from being murdered and was a wife of the king?
A: Esther

Q: What daring thing did Esther do to talk with the king?
A: Went in to talk without being summoned first

Q: Who let the Israelites return to their homeland?
A: Cyrus

Q: Who eventually came from the lineage of David?
A: Jesus

Questions and Answers about the Life of Jesus

Use these Bible trivia questions for kids when you need a quiz after teaching about Jesus life and ministry. Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: Who was Jesus’ human mother?
A: Mary

Q: Who was Jesusโ€™ adoptive father on Earth?
A: Joseph

Q: Who was Jesusโ€™ birth father?
A: God the Holy Spirit โ€“ see Matt 1:20

Q: Name the city where Jesus was born?
A: Bethlehem

Q: Where did Jesusโ€™ family go when Herod wanted to harm him as baby?
A: Egypt

True or False: Because Jesus was God, he didnโ€™t obey his parentsโ€™ rules.
A: False โ€“ Jesus obeyed his parents โ€“ see Luke 2:51

True or False: Jesus was an only child.
A: False – Jesus had brothers and sister – see Mark 6:3

Q: How many of Jesusโ€™ brothers are named in the Bible?
A: Four

Q: How many of Jesusโ€™ sisters are named in the Bible?
A: None

Q: Name one of Jesusโ€™ brothers?
A: James, Joseph, Simon and Judas

Q: Who was Jesus’ most famous cousin?
A: John the Baptist

True or False: John the Baptist wore clothes made of goat hair?
A: False โ€“ it was camel hair

Q: Who baptised Jesus?
A: John the Baptist

Q: Who spoke from the sky when Jesus was baptised?
A: God

Q: What did God say?
A: That he was well-pleased with his son.

Q: What happened when Jesus went into the wilderness?
A: He was tempted by Satan

Q: Before Jesus starting preaching, what was his normal job?
A: Carpenter (construction worker) โ€“ See Mark 6:3

Q: Name Jesusโ€™ hometown.
A: Nazareth

Q: True or False: Jesus turned water into Coca-Cola?
A: False, Jesus turned water into wine.

Q: Besides preaching, name an activity Jesus did while traveling in Galilee.
A: Healing the sick and casting out demons.

True or False: Jesus stayed away from people with bad reputations?
A: False โ€“ He often ate with โ€œsinners.โ€

Q: Name the place where Jesus walked on water?
A: Sea of Galilee

True or False: At first, Jesus family tried to stop his ministry and said he was crazy.
A: True – see Mark 3:11

True or False: Jesus said his true family was anyone who obeys God.
A: True โ€“ see Mark 3:34-35

True or False: Everywhere he went, people loved Jesus and believed his message?
A: False โ€“ many times Jesus was rejected.

Q: Which member of the Jewish ruling counsel came to ask Jesus questions at night?
A: Nicodemus

True or False: Jesus didnโ€™t like the people because they worshiped God the wrong way?
A: False โ€“ Jesus welcomed all to follow him

Q: How many disciples did Jesus choose?
A: 12

Q: What was Matthew before he followed Jesus?
A: A tax collector

True or False: Jesus would sometimes โ€œspitโ€ as part of his healing miracles.
A: True – Three times the Bible describes him spitting. โ€“ see Mark 7:33, Mark 8:23, John 9:6

Q: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
A: John 11:35 Jesus wept.

Q: Why did Jesus weep in that verse?
A: Because his friend Lazarus died.

Q: How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus came to visit?
A: Four days

Q: What 2 things did Jesus do to raise Lazarus back to life?
A: He prayed and then told Lazarus to come out.

Q: Who helped pay the bills for Jesus and the disciples ministry?
A: Several women who he had healed โ€“ see Luke 8:1-3

Q: Name the demon Jesus cast out in the region of the Gerasenes?
A: Legion

True or False: While on Earth, Jesus had the power to raise dead people back to life?
A: True โ€“ several examples

Q: How much bread and fish did Jesus use to feed over 5000 people?
A: Five loaves of bread โ€”and two fish

True or False: Jesusโ€™ said washing hands is never important.
A: False โ€“ he said dirty hands donโ€™t make a person spiritually unclean. You can still get germs!

Q: What was Peter and Andrew doing when Jesusโ€™ called them to follow him?
A: Fishing

Q: Name the two Old Testament people who appeared when Jesus was transfigured?
A: Elijah and Moses

True or False: Jesus ask the children to stay back while he was teaching important things to grown-ups.
A: False โ€“ Jesus welcomed children

Q: What problem did Bartimaeus have that Jesus fixed?
A: He was blind

True or False: When Jesus went to the Temple he always used his inside voice.
A: False โ€“ Jesus drove out the money changers

Q: How many people did Jesus feed with fish and bread?
A: 5,000 people

Q: How many lepers did Jesus heal when only 1 returned?
A: 10

Q: What did Jesus do at the Last Supper to his disciples?
A: Washed their feet

True or False: Jesus said only big money offerings were important to God.
False โ€“ See the Widowโ€™s Offering

Q: What did the woman pour on Jesusโ€™ feet at the home of Simon the Leeper?
A: Jar of expensive perfume

Q: Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus.
A: Judas Iscariot

Q: What garden did Jesus go to when he prayed after the Last Supper?
A: Garden of Gethsemane

True or False: The Jewish leaders tried to set Jesus free.
A: False โ€“ They lobbied for his crucifixion

Q: Who gave Jesus a crown made of thorns?
A: Roman soldier

Q: Name the Roman Governor who sat over Jesus trial?
A: Pilate

Q: What did Pilate do to โ€œcleanse himselfโ€ of the crucifixion?
A: Washed his hands

Q: Who cut off a soldierโ€™s ear when Jesus was being arrested?
A: Peter

True or False: Jesus didnโ€™t know that he was going to be arrested and killed in Jerusalem.
A: False โ€“ He knew and told his disciples before it happened.

Q: Which disciple denied Jesus three times?
A: Peter

Q: What happened to the temple curtain when Jesus was killed?
A: It was ripped

Q: What happened after Jesus was buried in the tomb?
A: He rose again

Q: What was rolled away from the entrance of the tomb?
A: A large stone

Q: What day of the week did Jesus rise back to life?
A: Sunday โ€“ the first day of the week

Q: How many days before Jesus returned to Heaven?
A: 40 days

Q: How did Jesus leave Earth and go to Heaven?
A: He rose up into the clouds

Q: How many people saw Jesus after he came back from the dead?
A: More than 500 โ€“ see 1 Cor 15:3โ€“8

New Testament Quiz for Kids

Use these questions for a fun quiz when learning about the New Testament in Sunday School. Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: What was another name for the Apostle Paul?
A: Saul of Tarsus

Q: Who was the first Christian to die for his faith?
A: Stephen

Q: How many books have the name John in them?
A: Four (John, 1 John, 2, John, 3 John)

Q: Who preached at Pentecost?
A: Peter

Q: What amazing miracle happened with languages?
A: Everybody heard the sermon in their own language.

Q: Who was Saul?
A: He persecuted Christians

Q: What happened when he was on the road to Damascus?
A: He had a changing experience with Jesus

Q: What was his name changed to?
A: Paul

Q: Who was exiled to an island?
A: John

Q: Who was crucified upside down?
A: Peter

Q: Who was the first martyr and was stoned?
A: Stephen

True or False: Ananias and Sapphira died after lying to the Apostles about their offering.
A: True

Q: How many deacons were chosen to help the apostles to distribute food to widows?
A: Seven

Q: Which Apostle took the Gospel to the city of Samaria?
A: Philip

Q: Which Apostle shared the Gospel with an Ethiopian official on the road to Gaza?
A: Philip

True or False: Peter raised a woman named Dorcas from the dead.
A: True โ€“ see Acts 9

Q: Where did Peter stay during his ministry in the city of Joppa?
A: In the house of Simon the tanner

Q: What did Peterโ€™s vision about the unclean animals mean?
A: That all people can be made clean through Jesus โ€“ aka non-Jews can be saved.

Q: In what city were Jesusโ€™ followers first called โ€œChristiansโ€?
A: Antioch

True or False: Peter was rescued from prison by an Angel.
A: True โ€“ see Acts 12

Q: Who went with Paul on his early mission trips?
A: Barnabas

True or False: Paul had a vison of a man calling him to come over to Carthage.
False โ€“ it was a man from Macedonia

True or False: God sent an earthquake to rescue Paul and Silas from prison in Philippi.
A: True โ€“ but they didnโ€™t escape but stayed in jail to share the good news

Q: What did the Philippian jailer say to Paul after he heard the Gospel?
A: What must I do to be saved?

Q: How did Paul and Silas respond?
A: Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.

Q: What was Paulโ€™s goal in his missionary journey?
A: To take the gospel everywhere and finally to preach in the capitol Rome

Bible Quiz on the 10 Commandments

Q = Quiz Question, A = Answer

Q: Where can you find the 10 commandments in the Bible?
A: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5

Q: Name the person who received the 10 Commandments from God?
A: Moses

Q: What is the preamble or introduction to the Commandments?
A: I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt (slavery).

Q: What is the 1st commandment?
A: You shall have no other gods before me.

Q: What is the 2nd commandment?
A: You shall not make idols.

Q: What is the 3rd commandment?
A: You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God.

Q: What is the 4th commandment?
A: Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

Q: What is the 5th commandment?
A: Honor your father and mother.

Q: What is the 6th commandment?
A: You shall not murder.

Q: What is the 7th commandment?
A: You shall not commit adultery.

Q: What is the 8th commandment?
A: You shall not steal.

Q: What is the 9th commandment?
A: You shall not give false testimony.

Q: What is the 10th commandment?
A: You shall not covet.

True or False: Jesus said the OT rules donโ€™t matter anymore.
A: False โ€“ See Matt 5:17

Q: How many rules does Jesus use to summarize all the OT rules?
A: Two

Q: What does Jesus say is the first and greatest commandment?
A: Love God with all your heart, minds, soul, and strength.

Q: What does Jesus says is the second commandment?
A: Love your neighbor as yourself.

“Fruit of the Spirit” Questions for Children

Q = Quiz Question, A = Answer

Q: Where is the Fruit of the Spirit found in the Bible?
A: Galatians 5

Q: Which human author wrote Galatians?
A: Paul

True or False: Bananas are a fruit of the Spirit? ?
A: False โ€“ Bananas are a gift from God but not considered spiritual fruit in Galatians 5.

Q: Name any of the 9 Fruit of the Spirit.
A: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  (sometimes patience is translated forbearance or longsuffering โ€“ see Galatians 5:22 )

True or False: The opposite of the Fruit of the Spirit are called โ€œthe works of the flesh.โ€
A: True โ€“ see Galatians 5:19-21

Bible Trivia Questions on the Lordโ€™s Prayer

Q = Question, A = Quiz Answer

Q: Where in the Bible can you find the Lordโ€™s Prayer?
A: Matthew 6

Q: Who taught the Lordโ€™s Prayer?
A: Jesus

Q: How many requests are in the Lordโ€™s Prayer?
A: Seven

Q: What is the 1st petition?
A: Hallowed be your name

Q: What is the 2nd petition?
A: Your kingdom come

Q: What is the 3rd petition?
A: Your will be done on Earth

Q: What is the 4th petition?
A: Give us our daily bread

Q: What is the 5th petition?
A: Forgive our debts

Q: What is the 6th petition?
A: Donโ€™t lead us into temptation

Q: What is the 7th petition?
A: Deliver us from evil

True or False: The more words we say makes our prayers better.
A: False โ€“ Jesus said God already knows what we need

How to Use this Bible Quiz for Kids

Kids Bible Trivia - Questions and Answers

Keep our this printable quiz on hand for a simple activity to use extra time in Sunday School or Children’s Church. Whenever possible we make a fun game out of it. This post includes some printable Bible questions for kids and some tips for making the most out of it.

You could use them for group games or ice breakers with any age group – kids, teens, or adults. Divide the youth into teams and make it a quiz game. For preschoolers or younger elementary, simply change our list into true or false bible questions. No need to recreate the content, just modify our list to make it easier.

Bible trivia for kids is no waste of time. Using the right questions can review important facts from God’s Word. — Bible knowledge can help children, just make sure you don’t forget the Gospel.

Share Your Favorite Bible Trivia Questions for Kids

Leave a comment below if you have some questions you would like to add. Your help is greatly appreciated by other readers too. We’d love to update this list and make it even more amazing. We ran out of steam once we got to the later chapters of Acts. So there are many more simple bible questions you could add.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kidsโ€™ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

32 thoughts on “301 Bible Trivia Questions and Answers (Review Quiz)”

  1. Wow! this is very good. The children feel sometimes then they know everything about the Bible’s History and feel a little boring.
    The Bible Trivia is going to make the kids to learn more and have more fun time , they will feel more busy. Thank you very much!

  2. That’s a great point. Giving a little challenge to the “over-churched” kids can make things fun. We tried include a good mix of easy versus hard questions. When we play, I always offer the children a “lifeline” choice if the question stumps the whole class. For example, I would give them multiple choice, making up two false answers to accompany the correct. Depending how you score the quiz game that could be worth less points or something.
    Anyway, thanks for the encouraging comment and have fun!

  3. This is wonderful. but the shortest verse in the bible is john 11 : 35 Not 36 as you have put it.

  4. F.Y.I. I was just reading through some of your questions. One of your questions is “How many brothers did Joseph have?” Your answer is “12” That is incorrect. Jacob had twelve sons, one of whom was Joseph, therefore, Joseph had “11” brothers + plus sister that we know of.

  5. Good work – I’d offer the following suggestions / clarifications.
    Q: Which book did Jesus directly write?
    A: None
    Comment: trick question. How about โ€œDid Jesus directly write a bible book?โ€ Or true or false. Or fill in the blank. โ€œWhen He walked the earth, Jesus directly wrote ______ book(s) of the Bible?
    Q: Which NT book has Jesusโ€™ entire โ€œSermon on the Mount?โ€
    A: Matthew (Luke contains portions of that sermon, which is not so named in the Bible.)
    Q: Which human author wrote the most books?
    A: Paul wrote at least13 books (if Paul also wrote Hebrews)
    Basic Bible Questions about Genesis
    Q: What was Godโ€™s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth again? A: A rainbow
    God will some day destroy the earth again (purge all that is offensive, in a โ€œBig Bangโ€ (2 Peter 3:1-10)). Following the worldwide flood, when Noah built an altar and offered sacrifices, Genesis 8:21 says The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: โ€œNever again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. (My emphasis)
    Genesis 9:12 And God said: โ€œThis is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. 14 It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; 15 and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16 The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.โ€ 17 And God said to Noah, โ€œThis is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.โ€
    Q: What were men trying to do at the Tower of Babel?
    A: Built a tower to reach to Heaven.
    Q: How did God make them spread out across the earth?
    A: Confused their languages.
    Why not ask how the earth is? Mark 6:10 clearly says that Adam and Eve were from the beginning of the creation. Genesis 5,11 offer an account of generations that is unique in the Bible, from which to count the years from Adam to Abraham. They give us an age of earth close to 6000 years. That protects us from the heresy of death before Adam, and God calling death โ€œGood,โ€ among air breathing, land dwelling animals on earth. Also does away with the notion that God used primates to make humans.
    And why not give reasons to know the flood was not local, but world wide?
    The people at Babel intended to build a monument to themselves, probably to practice idolatry and its attending vices, and to have a rallying point, to not scatter and to spiritually depart from God.(Genesis 11:1-10). Godโ€™s mandate to fill the earth was not to be thwarted: God confused their language (singular), by supernaturally causing them to speak in many different languages. That caused the people at Babel to scatter and obey Godโ€™s mandate. Babel is the source of idolatry.
    Q: Who was Abramโ€™s handmaid?
    A: Hagar
    Hagar, first mentioned in Genesis 16:1, is called Saraiโ€™s Egyptian handmaid. She may have been acquired when Abram and Sarai sojourned in Egypt (Genesis 12). I do not believe the Bible ever calls her Abram’s maid.
    Why not also introduce the Abrahamic covenantโ€™s promise of land: Genesis 12:1-3; 15:7, 18-21 etc.
    Q: Who did Abraham have his second son with?
    A: Sarah
    Grammatically better to not drop preposition. How about โ€œWho was the mother of Abramโ€™s second son?โ€
    Q: Where did Hagar and her son leave to?
    A: Into the desert
    Another dangling modifier. Why not โ€œWhere did Hagar and her son go when they were โ€œCast out.โ€ (Genesis 21:10-14) They went to Egypt through the wilderness of Beersheba.
    Q: What did Josephโ€™s brothers tell their father had happened to him?
    A: They said Joseph was killed by a wild animal.
    Not quite right. See Gen 27:31-33. They gave to Jacob Josephโ€™s coat, soaked in goat blood, and asked if he recognized it. Jacob concluded it was Josephโ€™s and that he had been violently killed by a wild animal. The brothers, who knew better, did not deny that but did not tell him that.

  6. Iโ€™m so excited to start using this information with my โ€œchurch kidsโ€ Thanks for all the work you did.

  7. Tony,
    Thank you for compiling these fun questions for kids! One point to note, Joseph interpreted dreams, your current answers read interrupted.
    Thanks again!

  8. Great stuff. Pg 3. The question is how many brothers Joseph had. He had 11 brothers (he was one of twelve sons) . Pg 4 gave me a little chuckle. Q: What did Joseph do for them? A: Interrupted their dreams and Q: Why was Joseph summoned out of prison by the Pharaoh? A: To interrupt his dream
    I’ve had my dreams “interrupted” too. I enjoyed all the great work you are doing.

  9. This is really awesome!!!! What a huge sacrifice and contribution to the BODY OF CHRIST! May blessings upon blessings be showered heavily upon you and yours roundabout

  10. Greeting’s in the name of our lord and saviour jesus christ. very useful and wonderful question & answer’s from bible God bless you. Thank you.
    My self also doing Children ministry pray and help me with your valuable bible material through Email.
    iam from india. Thank you once more.

  11. No – we just posted the trivia questions with answers – if you are interested I can send you the list in WORD doc for editing.

  12. Merci beaucoup, c’est vraiment รฉdifiant mรชme pour les adultes
    Soyez bรฉnis

    Thank you very much, it’s really edifying even for adults
    be blessed

  13. Wow! These Questions are very useful and fun for trivia games! God Bless You everyday!

  14. Thank you for all you have taught us. I had so much fun with my family doing this quiz. Me and my family learnt a lot about the Bible. We learnt about when Jesus spat to heal and about Jesus’s prayer. Bless you Tony. From Tobi. P.S. Make more quizzes!!

  15. 2 John is the shortest book not 3 John. 2nd John has 13 verses with 315 words and 3rd John has 14 verses with 337 words.

  16. I Loved doing this with my little sisters they enjoyed it a lot and wanted to do it for hours I think that this is a good thing for your kids!

  17. Thank you so very much for these free for all resources.

    See my observation below:
    “Q: Why was Joseph summoned out of prison by the Pharaoh?
    A: To interrupt his dream.”

    I believe you meant to type “interpret” and not “interrupt”.

  18. Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, firstly, may i apologise to you in advance if at all i am on the wrong place doing a wrong thing, i am just kindly asking for your help in understanding the Bible.
    Dear brothers and sisters, please help :
    is there anywhere in the four (4) Bible gospels (MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, JOHN) where it is written that someone or some people wanted to or were trying or planning or intending to or were threatening to Kill the twelve (12) disciples of Jesus Christ? is there such a verse just within the four (4) Bible gospels (MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, JOHN) ? Please, please, help.
    Thank you.

  19. This was a very fun activity for my students,I used this activity for WIN time to help my students learn more about Jesus!I recommend this activity! 10/10 !

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