Kids Encounter God at the Burning Bush

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The Prince of Egypt is an inspiring full-length animated film that fairly accurately tells the story of Moses and the Exodus. Although the movie released in 1998, it is a film worthy for placement in any pastor’s arsenal. It features familiar voices from Hollywood like Val Kilmer and Michelle Pfeiffer.
I recently pulled the film from my archives, dusted it off and introduced it to a completely new group of children. As you know a children’s church renews its self every ten years as older children graduate and new kids step in. I was thrilled to see my children falling in love with the film. Best of all, they were getting it! They quickly became acquainted that God cared for them and had a plan for their lives. Through the scenes of Moses, Aaron and the rest, my children saw the life of a great man of God in new and exciting ways.
I had so much success with the film during the quarter that I decided to take maximize the impact by using some material from the film at our next kids’ crusade. We had the usual games, fun and lessons but it was the visual effects that brought people to their knees. We had record numbers of salvations, not just among the children, but also the adults during that crusade. One of our prop techniques had everyone talking for weeks about that powerful crusade. We used the Prince of Egypt soundtrack to make the scenes come alive. Here is how we made this scene come to life.

The Burning Bush Scene

You will need:

  • 1 large box fan
  • 2 cinder blocks
  • Red metallic tinsel
  • 2 red light bulbs
  • 2 flounder lights
  • CD player
  • The brown Prince of Egypt soundtrack
  • Track #8
  • Silk foliage and plants

Here’s how to do it.

Place the two cinder blocks on the stage where you want to locate the burning bush. Place the fan on the blocks. The air should be able to travel underneath it. It should be located close to an electrical outlet or an extension cord.
Tie lots of long metallic red tinsel to the front grate of the box fan. The more tinsel, the better your audience will see the burning bush.
Screw the two light bulbs into the flounder lights or the light cans. Position them to shine on the red tinsel. Turn off the lights to see where they look best.
Place lots of silk plants around the fan to camouflage it. Alternatively, you could make some paper mache boulders to cover the base of your burning bush.
Turn the fan on high and your burning bush will spring to life.
Our Moses actor wore a simple robe and carried a shepherd’s hook. Another acted made sheep sounds that led our Moses to see the burning bush. Moses made his way slowly to the bush and marveled at it. As he reached his hand to touch the bush that did not burn, another actor with a deep voice said, “Moses remove your shoes for you are standing on holy ground.” The narration continues as God reveals to Moses that He is the I AM.
Right after this exchange, we left the lights down and the music playing softly on repeat. I shared with the audience a brief message and invited them to remove their shoes too. Kids ran forward for prayer and we had a terrific night of tears, laughter and many salvations.
I hope you can recreate this powerful imagery in your church. I know that you too will be blessed by it, as will your children.

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