4 Ways I Keep Close To Christ When I'm Busy

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clockCrunch time – Fall is the most intensive stretch of ministry at my church. Upward Soccer is a big winner, almost too big. This keeps me busy two nights a week plus Saturdays. Last week we launched our Wednesday night program, KidZone Recess. This usually trends up the first several weeks as kids get back into the routine. Sunday school classes are growing. Church nurseries are expanding. Every week I amazed at how many opportunities, God has opened for our little church.
But there is a subtle and deadly temptation in this busy time. When the pace of ministry accelerates, I am inclined to shift into autopilot and serve out of my own strength. I call this subtle because deadlines seem very big. The temptation is to skimp on my times of prayer and personal devotion. I call it deadly because apart from Christ I can do nothing of real value.
Here is my plan to fight these dangers. I would love to hear what you are doing to keep near to Jesus at crunch time. If you have a minute, ask God to help me serve him faithfully. I do appreciate your prayers.
Multi-task: For years I’ve used my driving time to listen to an audio Bible and pray. This has become even more important when I’m crunched for time. I use the same strategy for my exercise time.
Prayer Partners: Last week, I met with a friend from Seminary to pray. We spent over an hour pouring our hearts out to God.
Scheduled Devotion: I have never been very successful keeping a definite time. Typically, I will have my quite time in the morning. Too often time slips past and I settle for a quick ten minutes before lunch. I’m trying a different approach next week. I’ve blocked off a half an hour when I first get settled in at the office.
Family Prayer: Often my most meaningful times with God are not when I’m alone, but when I’m with my family. Our routine of prayer and bible reading has suffered this fall. Four nights a week, we get home right at bedtime. But even in these hurried nights I can pray my kids into bed.
What do you think? Leave a comment and let me know what you do to protect your quite times when life get hectic.

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