How to Keep the Church Nursery Clean

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A growing church nursery can become messy quickly. Anyone who has ever entertained a toddler or two knows that little ones can keep you on the run. Who has time to stop and tidy up the place when it is time for ministry? With the right procedures in place, you can control the mess and insure that your nursery ministry is a safe place for infants. Parents and grandparents will feel better about leaving their kids in a neat area.
Put it in writing. Your nursery team needs written guidelines to keep them on the track. Also, parents and guardians will like having a copy of how the nursery works to keep their precious cargo safe. Include your nursery wellness policy in these guidelines. It is important that workers wash their hands continually, especially after every diaper change. This is key to curbing germs.
Regular cleaning routines. You’ll need a deep cleaning monthly but regular cleanings should occur every time the nursery is used. Here’s a list of what to include:

  • Disinfect toys in a bucket or sink using clean water and bleach
  • Spray toys with disinfectant spray
  • Wipe down all surfaces like large toys, rocking chairs and diaper changing tables
  • Empty garbage cans and take out the trash
  • Replace sheets and changing table covers
  • Sweep or vacuum floors
  • Empty potties and flush toilets
  • Place items left behind in the lost and found

Follow the checklist. Every now and then, it doesn’t hurt to revisit the guidelines yourself. Ask yourself these questions about your nursery.

  1. Do we have extra copies of the nursery guidelines to give to new parents and workers?
  2. Are we offering our volunteers regular training classes for this specific ministry?
  3. Do spills or biological liquids get cleaned and disinfected properly?
  4. Are hand washing reminders posted near bedding stations and bathrooms?
  5. Do we keep hand sanitizer and towels stocked?
  6. Are our carpets steam cleaned regularly?
  7. Do our parents and workers feel they can communicate with us?

Having a cute name and perky, safe decorations are just the beginning of nursery needs. To keep everyone safe, you’ll need to care for the kids by dealing with germs. Besides cleaning, adequate supervision is needed and regular hazard reviews from kids-eye level need to be conducted regularly.

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1 thought on “How to Keep the Church Nursery Clean”

  1. What is the disinfectant you mention for church nursery? 50/50 distilled vinegar/water or soap/water? Trying to make sure we are using affordable, safe and effective solutions. Thank you!

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