Jim Wideman: Kids Ministry Champion of the Week

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Today I am launching a new feature called, “Kids Ministry Champion of the Week.” My goal is to honor the kids ministry bloggers who are making a difference through their writings. These are writers who have been personally helpful to me and many others. My plan is to announce this award toward the beginning of each week and feature their latest RSS items in the sidebar throughout the week.
Jim Wideman is a Kids Ministry Champion because his work in training and encouraging new children’s ministers. Few books about Children’s Ministry are as helpful as those written by Jim Wideman. His writing style is to-the-point, engaging, and filled with real life examples. I have been helped greatly by these over my short time in ministry.
Jim also has a hand in raising up a new generation of Kids Ministry leaders. Many of the younger champions for kids ministry have been personally mentored by him.
On his blog, you can read his wisdom for yourself. Keeping up with his posts is like continuing education for me, especially on the topic of leadership in kids ministry. Also check out his website and twitter account.
Thank you Jim for being an advocate of Kids Ministry.

Like all things with our website, this is an experiment. So leave a comment below to let me know what you think. You can also reflect on what Jim’s ministry has mean to you. HT to Tim Challies for the idea that lead to this feature.

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