Jesus Heals Craft Ideas for Mark 1:29-39

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Discussing the healing miracles of Jesus is a beautiful way to remember how Christ cares for His people. It also encourages children to reach out and care for those around them. These two crafts are meant to celebrate the healing work of our Lord, and to remind kids to love and serve others. A decorative “helping hands” wreath allows students to brainstorm ways to care for people, and a card or wall hanging reminds them that Jesus heals us from the inside out.

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Verses or Captions to Consider…

And great crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute, and many others, and they put them at his feet, and he healed them…               -Matthew 15:30

And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons. -Mark 1:34

But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
-Isaiah 53:5

Jesus heals our hearts!

Jesus cares for you…and I do, too!

Jesus cares for me, and I can care for others!

Here’s how my helping hands care for others…

These hands are ready for service!

More Teaching Ideas on this Scripture

Craft one: “Helping Hands” Wreath

You will need:

  • Paper plates
  • Paper or cardstock
  • Scissors
  • String or pipe cleaners (optional)
  • Glue or tape
  • Crayons or markers
  • Stickers or other decorations


  1. Decorate the paper plate with verses and captions to recall how Jesus cared for others. Option: leave the plate as is or cut out the center to make it more “wreath-like.”
  2. Trace a hand on the construction paper or cardstock. Cut out several hands in varying colors. Tip: layer paper to cut multiple hands at once.
  3. On each hand, help kids brainstorm and write down ways to care for other people. They might draw a picture to go with the writing, as well.
  4. Glue or tape the hands onto the paper plate.
  5. Add extra stickers of decorations as desired. Optional: hole punch the plate and add a ribbon or string to hang it up. Another option: glue a magnet to the back of the plate.

Craft Two: “Jesus Heals Hearts”

You will need:

  • Paper (construction or cardstock)
  • Markers or crayons
  • Stickers, glitter, or other decorations
  • Bandaids
  • Scissors
  • Tape or glue
  • String or pipe cleaner (optional)

Procedure (use one of these ideas or adapt and do others):
1. Cut a large heart shape out of construction paper or cardstock.
2. Glue the heart onto another piece of paper or cardstock.   
3. Decorate the heart with band-aids, including two in the center of the heart that form the shape of a cross.  
4. Add verses and captions to remember that “Jesus heals our hearts.”  
5. Add extra decorations such as stickers, glitter, or other elements. If desired, add a string to hang the art work. Alternatively, give it to a loved one as a special card or Valentine.

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