Homeschooling: Our First Week at Riddle Academy

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This week (home) school began for my son and me.  I put “home” in parenthesis because even though we have school at home everyday, it is still school. 
Some people may question whether homeschoolers really do anything.  There may be some out there who don’t, but I believe the vast majority wishes to educate their children to the fullest extent; that is my desire.
We began this week slowly, trying to get into the routine of getting up early.  Our lessons have not been very in depth.  We have practiced writing, done some basic math, phonics, word recognition, and crafts.
The week was perfect … NOT!  Monday morning my son met me with great resistance.  He was very adamant about not wanting to go to school or have school at home.  I explained to him that if he worked hard and tried his very best school would be over more quickly.  We got rolling, and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were smooth sailing.  Then came Friday.  Again, he did not want to do his school work; he was not willing to try.  After some talking and discipline, he finished strong.
I tell you this story to say that I was frustrated with him.  There was no doubt about it.  I was ready to give up and call it quits, ready to find the nearest public school and drop him off.  Then it hit me: aren’t you glad that God isn’t this way with his children?  I’m sure that there are many, many times that I frustrate God because I don’t give him my best.  I’m sure there are many times when he may think, “Let me just send her on her way.  I’ll find someone else who really wants to work hard for me.”  BUT, he doesn’t do that.  He disciplines and loves and keeps drawing me back to him over and over.  He still speaks, and directs, and guides.  What an awesome God that is!
So if you ask what my son learned this week at school, I would tell you he learned some basic things to get us started with reading and writing.  If you ask what I learned at school this week, I’d tell you I learned some basic things to make me a better Christian.  Who learned more, you may ask?  Definitely me, I’d say!

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