High Jump Object Lesson – Psalm 18:33

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Forget super heroes! Once kids discover what God can do, they’ll realize that they are “super” too–thanks to Him. Looking for an object lesson that will teach kids that God can and will enable us to do things we never thought we could? This one will do the trick! All you need is a yardstick, ruler or measuring tape and a piece of paper and pen.
Teaching Verses:
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. Psalm 18:33
The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments. Habbukuk 3:19

Read the teaching verses with the kids and talk about them. Ask questions like:

  1. Who’s ever seen a deer run?
  2. Who has ever seen a goat jump?
  3. How many of you have ever climbed a mountain?
  4. What about a hill?

Then say: It takes a lot of effort to climb mountains and even some hills, doesn’t it? But God’s word promises that he can enable us to climb up to the high places. Speaking of high places, how many high jumpers do we have in here? Let me see you stand and jump–in place, please. (Watch kids jump for a minute.)
Let’s have a contest! I am going to give you a few minutes to practice then we will measure how high you can jump. I’m going to tape this ruler to the wall and you each will take a turn jumping in front of it. I’m going to write down all the jumps and we will see who jumped the highest. You ready?
This fun activity/object lesson will keep kids busy. It’s a lot of fun! If you have the time, have a long jump contest too. Use a yardstick or measuring tape for that one though. Have fun!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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