Helping the Substitute Kids Minister

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Helping the Substitute Kids Minister
As much as you hate to miss, you’ll need to ask a substitute teacher to step in. If you’ve got an inexperienced teacher, or one that’s not used to your particular group, the substitute can feel a little overwhelmed. For the best teaching experience for both kids and substitute, the teacher needs to be prepared. If possible, have everything ready for an exciting class time. It’s always a good idea to have an “emergency” teaching packet handy for those occasions when you didn’t plan an absence.
Printed copy of the lesson: Emailing documents and PDF files is easy but you should have a printed copy of the lesson in the classroom. If possible, give the printed copy to the substitute in advance so he or she can review it and ask questions. The lesson may be part of your current curriculum or you could keep some extra, basic lessons on standby.
Complete supplies for the lesson: If you can’t buy all the supplies, at least provide a supply list. Your lesson shouldn’t require hard to find or expensive items. The list should be as detailed as possible. I like having the supplies completely ready for the teacher. Divide the items according to the area where they will be used. For example, all the craft supplies should be on a table in the crafting area.
You’ll also need:

  • A music CD with a playlist
  • Snacks and drinks for kids
  • Visitor slips (for new children)
  • Copies of the newsletter or bulletin

It’s a good idea to be available via email or phone when you can. Sometimes, a quick phone call or email pep talk can really calm the nerves of a substitute kids minister. Remember that a new teacher or kids’ minister won’t teach just like you so do allow for some creative expression. Helping the substitute kids minister is so important. Cultivate new leaders, demonstrate your confidence in them. By asking them to teach you are also acknowledging the anointing. Make your substitute’s teaching experience the best that it can be.
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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