Heaven Bible Lesson for Preschool Children

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Preschoole Bible LessonsUse this simple Bible lesson to teach your Preschool aged children about Heaven. It would be ideal for a preschool Sunday School class or any ministry context with children aged 2-5. It introduces several important concepts about Heaven and has concrete learning activities to help them relate to those truths.
You can browse all the preschool Bible lessons and crafts on our website. These are designed for a church based preschool or toddler class, but they work well at home with your preschool child too.

Bible Concept: Heaven
Scripture: Revelation 21-22:5
Target Age Group: Age 2 – 5 (U.S. preschool ages)
Time: 20 Minutes
Learning Context: Church Preschool Class
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Objective: This lesson guides children to an understanding of heaven and what types of things will be in heaven, as well as things that won’t be in heaven.
Materials Needed:

  1. Before class, gather pictures of things that won’t be in heaven (a sick person, someone crying, someone with an angry face) and pictures of things that will be in heaven (streets of gold, happiness, Jesus) – these are just a few suggestions.  You can choose as many as you’d like. Search Google images or find these in pictures in newspapers or storybooks.
  2. Jewels (can be found at craft stores, Wal-Mart, etc.)
  3. Blindfold
  4. Poster board
  5. CD/CD player (if you choose to do the song)
  6. Building blocks such as Duplo blocks from Lego
  7. Watercolor paints and house picture (or rough sketch)

Scripture Focus: Revelation 21-22:5 from a Bible Storybook. I suggest the 100 Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs by Stephen Elkins.  You can use any children’s story Bible to read the story from.
Coming in Time: Have children practice building houses with various blocks.  They can also use watercolor paints to paint a picture of a house.
Lesson Time: Ask the children what they think heaven is like (most kids will have answers such as “in the sky,” “my grandmother’s there,” “where God lives,” etc.).  Ask them who lives in heaven (target answer is Jesus).  Be sure to redirect children’s answers that are inappropriate or inaccurate.  Read story from Bible storybook (or Bible, if you prefer).
Explain to the children that Jesus loves us very much, and that if we trust him as Savior he is preparing a special place for us to live.  (At this point, even the 2 year olds you have should be catching on!)  Ask the kids what the place is called.  They should respond with heaven.
Now it’s time to get your pictures out.  Show the kids the pictures of the things that won’t be in heaven. Talk with them about each picture and how things like sadness won’t be in heaven because Jesus is there.  Also show them the pictures of things we will find in heaven.  Explain that the wonderful things are there because of Jesus, too.
It is important (even for the younger children) to be taught that the only way to heaven is through Jesus.  He is the King of Heaven, and his enemies are not welcome. We often forget that even our youngest children are smarter than we think they are!  Be sure to reiterate that heaven is a great place Jesus is preparing for those who love him and accept him as savior.
Song Time: You Can’t Get to Heaven On Roller Skates (if you are using the Bible storybook mentioned above, this song is on the CD provided.  There is also a Veggie Tales version of the song.)  Using a CD or just your voice, sing the song with kids as a reminder of ways we CAN’T get to heaven.  Let the kids sing and dance.
Game Time: Pin the jewels on the walls of heaven – Outline walls on a piece of poster board. Pin the poster board to the wall.  Blindfold the children, spin them around, and let them try to stick the jewels on the walls of heaven.
Bonus Activity: You can read a child’s storybook about heaven.

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