Have You Tried These Student Ministries Ideas?

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So often our student ministries are limited to reaching only the kids in our church. While that’s commendable, that’s not the ideal way to reach the whole community.
Student ministries should do more than minister to “our” kids, they should build relationships with principals, teachers and students on the fringes. If you have a desire to bolster your church’s efforts consider adding one of these student ministries. Every community has different needs so you may have to experiment with a few before the finding the right ones for your group.
Lunch with pastor. Kids love it when grown ups come have lunch with them but sometimes that is tough for working parents to do. You could do it! Visit some of your kids for lunch throughout the year. In some cases, you’ll have to build relationships with principals and teachers but it may be easier than you think. You’ll have to get permission from parents first and you may need their help signing permission forms. Follow the school’s rules. My kids love having “Lunch with Pastor!”
Meet you at the pole! This student ministry isn’t new but it’s one we don’t always take advantage of. Participate at your local “meet me at the pole” ministries. It’s best to make contact with organizers first so they’ll know your coming.
Bless the backpacks. Ask kids to bring their school backpacks to church. During a special portion of children’s church, ask the kids to put on their backpacks and you say a prayer over the children. Pray for their protection and ask God to grant them wisdom and favor. Every time they put their backpack on they’ll think of that prayer. You could do this once a quarter or semester!
Quarterly school supply giveaways. Giving supplies away at the beginning of the school year is nice but this is a need that goes on year round. Send home school supplies throughout the year if possible. Most of the time, these items are inexpensive to donate but are always welcome by parents and kids. You could allow parents to submit supply requests.
Weekly tutoring for kids. You don’t have to be a professional teacher to help kids that are struggling. Sometimes, kids just need someone to nudge them along with vocabulary and spelling worlds. Offer a weekly tutoring class for students in need of help. This is a great way to get seniors and retired teachers involved in your ministry.
Volunteering at schools. Schools always need helping hands. Offer to volunteer at your child’s school in the library, cafeteria or on the playground. Understand that some schools have strict volunteer guidelines and be patient.
Offer parenting classes. Parenting should come with a guidebook but it doesn’t. If you have successful parents or family counselors in your congregation, talk to them about offering a parenting class. Giving parents a chance to voice their concerns and ask questions will go a long way in helping them be better parents.
You will face challenges but don’t allow them to dissuade you. Keep at it and you’ll reap a harvest!

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