Hardened Heart (Ezekiel 36:26) Super Soaker Object Lesson

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Hardened Heart (Ezekiel 36:26) Super Soaker Object Lesson
Hardened hearts need God! Help kids see that God wants their hearts to be soft towards him and towards others. This fun Super Soaker object lesson is the perfect visual aid for a summer object lesson.
What You’ll Need:

  • Large sponge cut into the shape of a heart
  • Push pins
  • Garbage bag
  • Super Soaker
  • Water
  • Bucket

Prepare to Teach
Cut the sponge into a heart shape. If you have small sponges, arrange several of them together to make a heart shape. I used push pins to attach the hear to a piece of corkboard so I wouldn’t soak my wall. Place the garbage bag on the floor beneath the heart to catch the water. Fill the Super Soaker with water and place it in a bucket near the heart. Keep the items from the kids. Hide them if you need to keep them from getting into mischief.
Let’s Teach
I have this amazing verse to read you. It’s about the difference between a hard heart and a soft one. Which one do you think God wants? That’s right! A soft one. Turn to Ezekiel 36:26. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
When God isn’t living in our hearts, it is easy for the heart to harden. Reading God’s word, allowing His Spirit to touch our hearts keeps it soft and loving. Rejecting God, refusing to repent makes it hard.
You see that hear there? It’s hard and not good for anything. I think we need to soften it up. One by one, I am going to ask you to help me soften this heart, just like God softens ours. I want you to think of your favorite Bible verse. If you aren’t sure which one is your favorite, look one up now. When I call your name, you will come up here, tell the heart your favorite bible verse and then take a shot with this Super Soaker. Just like God’s word, this water will soften the heart. Who’s ready?
Allow kids to soften the heart with the water after they share their favorite verse. When you are finished talk about how soft and squishy the heart is now. Tell kids that God wants their heart to be soft for him too.
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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