Lesson: Going Into God's Place (Joshua and the Battle of Jericho)

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This Children’s Bible lesson continues the story of God’s people as they escape from Egypt and enter the promised land. It includes Joshua and the conquest of Jericho, but then continues through the period of Judges until the beginning of David’s reign. So, in overview fashion it covers several familiar Old Testament stories, including David and Goliath. Wow – big lesson!
Don’t over look the connection between Jesus and Joshua, this can be a powerful way to show how this story points to Jesus.
This lesson plan continues my children’s church curriculum based on &utm_medium=blogpartners”>The Big Picture Story Bible.  You can modify these lessons for Sunday school or children’s church. I’m posting these lessons as a service to you, but you should modify my content to best fit the children in your ministry.
Optional Coloring Page: We’ve created a free Bible coloring page about Israel crossing into the promised land. It shows the priests leading them to cross the Jordan river on dry land.
Need more help? Check out these crafts for Sunday School and children’s Sunday school lessons.

Related Resource Links: Here are links to other websites that have free lessons plans (and more learning activities) about the Joshua and Jericho: Calvary Chapel Kids website |Joshua links from MSS crafts.

About This Joshua Bible Lesson

Learning Objectives: After this Bible lesson, children will demonstrate basic knowledge of the events of the Joshua and the Battle of Jericho by answering simple review questions.
Target Age Group: 5 – 10 years old {U.S. Kindergarten – 3rd Grade}
Bible Story: Joshua (overview)
Teaching Setting: This lesson was first taught in our children’s church on Sunday morning to about 25 children. Before the lesson, the children participated in several songs and group Bible memory exercises. Target length of this lesson is 20 minutes.
Items Needed:

Explanation: This lesson plan is part of my series based on &utm_medium=blogpartners”>The Big Picture Story Bible by David R. Helm and Gail Schoonmaker. These lessons can be used with other story Bibles or by telling the Bible stories in your own words. However, I strongly recommend this book for its excellent illustrations and unifying approach to salvation history.

Teaching Plan: Going Into God’s Place
(Big Picture of the Bible Lesson #8)
Introduction / Active Listening: Display the hint words on a marker board or pieces of paper and say “In today’s story, the promised family is finally going to make it to the land that God promised he would give Abraham. I want you to listen for these hint words while I read the story, once I’m finished we can talk about what they mean.”
Read: “Part 8 from on The Big Picture Story Bible. (Or tell the story of the story of the Joshua and David’s battle with Goliath in your own words emphasizing the answers to the questions below.) Be sure to engage the children with good story telling. Ask unscripted questions to clarify points in the story. The questions under “review” below are the key points for them to understand from the lesson, so be sure to emphasize them as you read.
Review Story Hints: The children should be able to explain what these hints had to do with the story.

  • “7th day” – After marching around the city day-after-day, they blew trumpets on the 7th day and God knocked down the walls of Jericho.
  • “after Joshua” – After Joshua was gone, the people turned away from God and did not do what he said.
  • “Philistines” – These were another group of people who did not worship God, they ruled over God’s people.

True or False: Ask the children to choose which of the following statements are correct. Designate one side of the room for kids to stand if the statement is correct. Designate a second place in the room for the kids to stand if the statement is false. You many want to use small groups of volunteers if your class is very large.

  • Joshua choose to serve and follow God. {True}
  • The walls of Jericho were too strong for God. {False}
  • God can do anything. {True}
  • God will always keep his promises. {True}
  • God’s people kept obeying him after Joshua. {False}

Review/Test: Call on volunteers to answer these questions from the story you just read. Some possible answers are written as italics below.

  1. What was the problem with going into the promised land? The city Jericho and the other people were already there.
  2. How did God defeat the people of Jericho? He told the people to march around the city and then blow trumpets on the 7th day.
  3. What happened after Joshua died? The people rejected God as their ruler and God let their enemies rule over them.
  4. How did God defeat the Giant named Goliath? God used a boy named David and his little rocks to battle him.
  5. What does this story teach us about God.  God can do anything; he is stronger than any city or human enemy. God will save his people, but he they will have trouble if they don’t listen to his word.

Pray: Lead the children in prayer…

Optional: Marching Around Church Building

After the lesson, have the children line up for an experiment. Explain that you will walk around the church building several times, or small out building like a storage barn. Then have all the kids try to knock the structure down just by shouting. Have fun with this and pretend surprised when it does not work. Ask for volunteers to explain why it worked for Joshua and not for us. (Some Possible answers: God told them to do it. It was a special event. The church building already belongs to God’s people. )

Optional: Video Clips About Joshua

In our children’s church, I am able to show internet video clips to the children. These are excellent and fun ways to review the lesson content. Be sure to ask questions to relate the content back to the lesson.

  • Children’s Church Video Clip About Joshua
  • Video: Lego Star Wars – Acting Out Joshua & The Battle of Jericho

Improve This Lesson: If you notice any typing errors, or think of a way to improve this lesson plan – please leave a comment below. Your help is important and makes this website more useful for everyone.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

2 thoughts on “Lesson: Going Into God's Place (Joshua and the Battle of Jericho)”

  1. Thanks for the lessons and resources, great help.
    A typo:
    You many want to use small groups of volunteers if your class is very large – should read: You MAY want to…

  2. Praise the Lord for the time and effort you put in preparing these lessons and thank you so much for sharing. They’re a great and very helpful and it is such a selfless act of love

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