"God’s Story 365" Devotions for Families

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We’re excited about this new resource to help kids and parents daily devotionals in faith together. It’s called God’s Story 365 and is a fun way to explore the Bible as a family! Each page has bright-colored art, short and engaging stories (including biblical references to dive deeper) and table-talk-style questions to get kids of any age talking about the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, one tear-off page at a time. Whether you start in January or June, you can read a page per day or several pages at once. It’s available now on Amazon.

Enter the Giveaway

  1. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below. Is this something your family could enjoy around the kitchen table, at bedtime, in the car, over the phone, or somewhere else? Can you imagine passing out copies in your church?

It’s that simple. Five random winners will be contacted by email before March 22, 2017!

Discount Code: If you aren’t contacted as a winner (or you just want to get one for a friend), snag your own at GodsStory365.com and use the discount code “friends” for 20% off—good through the end of March 2017.
By the way, if you do order one, it’ll be sent to you through FreesetUSA’s fulfillment center. Also, a portion of every purchase goes to Freeset, a fair trade business offering employment to women trapped in Kolkata’s sex trade, so that they have the choice to leave a profession they never chose in the first place. Find out more at freesetusa.com.
Best of luck to all of our contest participants. Can’t wait to hear your feedback.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

64 thoughts on “"God’s Story 365" Devotions for Families”

  1. I am a children’s pastor and I am always looking for fun ways to engage my own children as well as those I minister too. This would be a great resource!

  2. I am sharing the gospel to little children at our church. They will be happy if we could use a resource that could help us to study and grow in faith in a fun way and exciting. Hope i could get a copy. Thanks. To God be the glory.????

  3. I am sharing the gospel to little children at our church. They will be happy if we could use a resource that could help us to study and grow in faith in a fun way and exciting. Hope i could get a copy. Thanks. To God be the glory.

  4. So very grateful to be able to have assistance (practical ways, ideas, creative revelations) to relay to our Children and teach them the Word of the Lord in an engaging way. As a Children’s ministry leader, this website is absolutely divine 🙂 So a huge Thank you for your help. Appreciated greatly 😀

  5. This is something that would help me and my children walk through our faith with God. My children are so eager to listen to God’s word and are wanting to learn more of His goodness and promises.

  6. I so very grateful for your ministry. I have gone to our website numerous times and have been encouraged and challenged in the ministry to children that the Lord has entrusted me with. My own children are all grown but I know that my grandchildren would be blessed by this devotional book.
    Grace and peace…..

  7. So helpful to get help my family to dig the Word. Not easy to have Family time devotion in this hurry season of life. Thanks for opening this for international readers.

  8. It looks like great reading for a 1st grader who is “behind” to be able to learn new and exciting words and also learn God’s story.

  9. I would love to use this with my junior church kids… We are learning how to navigate scripture and I this could prove very effective..

  10. Yes!! I love how it brings continuity and shows the threads through the Bible accounts pointing us to one Big story- God’s love for humanity. I have three children I’d love to use this with! Thank you for the chance.

  11. This would be a great way for my granddaughter to learn about the Bible, she loves for us to read to her & spend time with the family. Thanks!

  12. This will be a very useful and meaningful material to teach my 2 toddlers at home…I can even bring it anywhere we go..I can even share this to our children Sunday school in church… Hope to get a hold of this

  13. This looks like a very creative and interactive resource to use with children of varying ages. My own kids are grown and gone now, but I have a lot of other “kids” in the Sunday School and Bible Club. I envision using this with the younger kids mostly, as they gather close around the teacher-chair, even sitting on the wide arms of it. Looks like fun, and something to look forward to each week!
    Blessings to you, as you serve Him there.

  14. This sounds like a great idea! I would hand out pages in my church. We are having a problem getting parents to bring their children to Sunday school. This way I would know the children are being ministered to in a way.

  15. I have been looking for resources for home bible time & this seems perfect. Thanks for the opportunity.

  16. I would love to have one. I would give it to my daughter-in-law to share with my grandchildren. It would also be great to share with the kids on Wenesday night.

  17. I would love to be able to give this as a gift to my sister and her family as her boys are growing up and learning to love God.

  18. This would be wonderful for my family to use daily. I think it would also be a great tool for me to use with my Junior Church class. Thank you for the opportunity!

  19. Wow, What a wonderful way to bring Christ to the lives of children! This would be a great way to tell the parents as they have asked me what creative way can they show their children that Christ is a 365/24hour God. It would be an honor to bring God’s Story 365 curriculum into the home of the our church family. We are a small church and our fundings are very small, being choosen as one of your winners would not just bust our family’s knowledge but prayfully bring more families into the church congregation. Thank you and God’s blessing upon your ministry.

  20. I think this is a wonderful idea. It can be useful at home and church in so many ways. It would interest little ones because of the pictures. it would interest Sunday School teachers and Children’s Church leaders giving them ideas to challenge the children and adult to dive in and learn. Thank you for creating such a wonderful idea.

  21. I teach a very small sunday school class, this would be loved by all. Thank you for this opportunity
    Bod bless.

  22. I think this would be a fun, awesome way for families to share God’s Word together. It would make it easy for parents who are already busy but want to lead their families in devotions.

  23. What a great tool and fun way to share God as a family. I’d also love to share this with my church family and neighbors. Thanks for this opportunity. God bless you and your ministry.

  24. The mobility and flexibility would make this a great way to bring God and share God through our hectic busy lifestyle. Great plan guys, truly God inspired. Thank you, God.

  25. I think this is awesome! It is important for kids to see their parents studying God’s Word and this would be a way for them to see that happen. Plus it would be a way for them to study God’s Word and be encouraged together! And it is an excellent way to bring God into your everyday life, something kids can build on the rest of their lives. Also, I would love to use this in Junior Church!

  26. Our Sunday School loves using the God’s Story videos, I am sure this would be an excellent resource also. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  27. My husband and I are excited to have this for our daughter. We would use it with her every night before bed.

  28. Our growing family enjoys the Big Picture Story Bible and we homeschool. I would likely use this for our Bible curriculum. I have a kindergartener and a 21-month old.

  29. This would be a great resource to use in children’s church as we are always looking for ways to assist families to incorporate daily devotion with their children.

  30. This calendar pages can be upcylced into a book. Each day’s story gets taped into a composition book and the kids can illustrate something else from the story, or write a prayer, or doodle a thought. Then at the end of the year they still have a pretty cool story book to look at all over again.

  31. Well……getting the WORD to every child is important. I would incorporate them into my home school day and into our family’s bible studies. Or send the whole lot to a fellow missionary. We’ll let God decide!

  32. Wow, what a simple and great resource. I could use this with my family around the kitchen table and also, use this in lessons on a Sunday morning. I would also love to recommend this to families at church. Thanks

  33. This is an awesome resourse for the family. We are try to start a family ministry. Get families to be more involved in their childrens spiritual well being. This really looks great!! Can’t wait to see this!!

  34. as a kid’s church pastor, i am always looking for fresh tools to involve my parents. this would be an awesome one for both home and church. keep up the good work and writing God inspired works for kids.

  35. This looks like an incredible resource. My mind is spinning with all the different ways this could be used. My children have a seven year age gap between the oldest and youngest and I think this may be one of the best ways I’ve seen to incorporate biblical teaching that’s relevant to all of them. I’ll certainly be ordering one as soon as they’re available in Canada if I don’t win.

  36. This book is a great idea! As a mother, grandmother and director of children’s ministry, I spend so much time trying to put together materials that connect verse to activities that will get the message across to all age groups. Thank you for this book!

  37. I love any new resource that supports faith formation in the home! THank you! I can see this resource on the kitchen table and all the great conversations that will result from reading it as a family.

  38. This looks like a great program , I would love doing this with my family at the end of the day as we wind down before bed.

  39. I like the idea of having this already for you and at hand. I am youth director at my church and minister to at least 100 kids weekly. I’m always looking for something at the last minute. I also have kids and grand kids that will benefit.

  40. I absolutely need this book for me, my kids, my ministry, and my LIFE- Oh this marvelous-

  41. I would love this for my kids and Sunday School kids. It is an easy way to know and understand the Bible to deepen children’s love for God.

  42. I think this is a great idea and would really help the teachrs and would minister to the children also. Thank you for all you post and do for Children’s ministry and to help the children learn more about our Lord and Saviour. Thank you again for all you do

  43. Me and my wife, are building the sunday school in a new church. We are growing the youth this would be great for our sunday school its not officially started but we are working on its foundations on it every week and we are getting all the matterial possible . This is material to help us educate our children plus for our 2 year old child also its a great way to teach him also .
    We would so benifit from this in our church . Thank you very much for building this opportunity .

  44. I love this resource for the children in my church – easy to understand and I love the illustrations! As a children’s ministry staff, we’ve been working towards encouraging parents to engage their children in godly conversations that begin with the bible and what they learn in church! This could certainly help greatly.

  45. I would love to revamp our family devotional time, this will definitely be helpful to us. then we can use this to be more of a blessing to others too.

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