"God Is Our Refuge" Bible Object Lesson

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God is our Refuge - Bible Object Lesson
When we need a good place to hide, God is to whom we should turn. Kids know all about hiding—just look at the games they play! Bring this object lesson to your class and you’ll teach them a valuable truth that is sure to bring comfort when they need it. I based this object lesson on, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) However, there are many other verses you could use if you prefer.
God is Our Refuge Object Lesson
Supplies: A refrigerator box, a knife, marker or a sheet and two shares, a cardboard sign that reads “God”, a CD with scary noises like a T-Rex roar or thunderbolt (optional)
Prepare: Set the refrigerator box in your teaching area. Cut a door opening at the front of the box, large enough for you or a child to get inside. Hang the “God” sign above the door. If using a sheet, make a tent (like the kind kids like to make in the living room) and hang the “God” sign over the opening.
Say: Oh, look everyone! I’ve got something awesome here. Who has ever built a tent in the living room or made a place to hide from a box? Me too! Did you know the Bible calls this a refuge? It’s like home base. When you are playing tag, if the players make it to home base, they are safe, right. That’s what a refuge is, a home base! God says He is a home base for those who trust Him.
Let’s read this verse together then we will take turns taking refuge with God. Ready? (Read the verse together.) Now I want you to line up in a straight line. One at a time, we will take shelter in God. When you hear a scary sound, you go run and hide, okay? (Play the track over and over until everyone has a had a chance to hide for a few seconds.)
We can always find shelter with God. Whenever you feel afraid or want to hide, you can depend on God. Whisper to Him, “Lord I am afraid. Please be my refuge like your Word says.” You’ll feel Him close!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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