"Go Curriculum" for Children's Ministry

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This is one of the best new resources for children’s church or Sunday school. It’s hard to find material that’s theologically robust and fun for kids – I think Go! curriculum does both with excellence.

That’s why I’m excited to let you know about it. You can see our readers live the ideas too.

Don’t miss the free sample on their website. The giveaway on this post has ended and I’ve notified the winner by email.

YouTube video

What is special about Go!

This is a downloadable curriculum for preschool and elementary kids. Here are the key things you should know:

  • CHRONOLOGICAL – GO! takes kids through the Bible chronologically every year and helps kids see how they too can be a part of God’s story.
  • GOSPEL CENTERED – GO! regularly presents the Good News of Jesus and gives kids an opportunity to respond by becoming faith-filled followers of Christ.
  • GOD FOCUSED – GO! shows kids how God is at the center of every story in Scripture and helps them understand the character and nature of God.
  • FAITH FORMING – GO! teaches Biblical truth with real world application. But more than that, it gives direction and space to develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • FILLED WITH FUN – GO! is tons of fun! We don’t want parents to drag their kids to church. We want kids to break your doors down. Metaphorically of course.

88 thoughts on “"Go Curriculum" for Children's Ministry”

  1. Looks well done. There’s always the issue of engaging kids that come to church with family while being able to present material digestible for an unchurched kid who came on the bus. This program looks as though it may fit that bill!

  2. Awesome! I have used your stuff for years and it is well written for kidz today, easy to use with various ways to present the subject for the kidz to understand and remember. Thank You

  3. Wow a great encapsulation of the curriculum!!!! It hit everywhere that a pastor of a church in a spiritually oppressed, drug obsessed area needs to hit. My heart knows that if I can minister to the children, the parent’s will follow. I do the work myself and the fact that I can use it to present it by myself is PRICELESS!!!!!! I’m so excited to free sample (that’s my next stop). God Bless You for all you provide to us!!

  4. Go Curriculum:
    Boys and Girls, Come one Come all…. Jump in and lets DRIVE!
    The King will lead us through the Bible as we learn about “New
    Truths,” for eternity. We will meet the old man and have the op-
    portunity to become a new man. Zoom-Zoom, Zoom! Come on,
    Friends jump in and lets GO to Sunday Drive!!!! and GO!!!!

  5. the GO curriculum is a brain stimulating activity that allows children to adapt every day situations to the biblical context. Very apt for young children and pre teens.

  6. Apt for children of all ages, up to pre teens. It will make children eager to attend Sunday School as they want to experience what will be taught. Pictures are well orchestrated to capture the attention of children

  7. Looks like the children would enjoy it. I use your curriculum for my Sunday School class all the time. Currently we are using the “Friends” curriculum. Just finished Fantastic Verses, the children really enjoyed it. I have started giving Pop Quiz’s each Sunday on the previous weeks lesson. The children really enjoy it and it helps in the learning process.

  8. Finding a curriculum that will get the kids involved and excited is hard enough but finding one that I can use when I have no other volunteers and a big age span, I thought impossible! This looks amazing thanks!

  9. This material sounds exciting! Looking forward to learning more about it and how to use it in our ministry to children!

  10. God bless this hard work for the glory of His name. Looking forward to learn more and see how it can benefit our youth.

  11. This looks super cool! Would love to have this to use for our children’s ministry. You had me hooked when it could be used with one leader! Volunteers are definitely hard to come by. I also love that they can take things home and maybe get their families involved. Makes this a great out reach!

  12. Sounds like a great curriculum and that it can be edited. I’ve gotten ideas from some of your other material and have had wonderful success. Thank you.

  13. I think this is great! What a FUN way to teach about GOD and involve the parents as well! Would LOVE to win for our children’s church & Wednesday night program!

  14. Looks enjoyable. The kids need to be involved in the story. Looking forward to seeing more.

  15. Wow!!! This will be such an amazing tool for the children of my congregation, who are facing so many challenges inside and outside their homes!!! This would be a tremendous blessing for our children’s ministry!!
    Thank you MTC

  16. I believe this will be a great tool as it involves the parents and children together and they will grow together. The video even held my attention. This is God driven by the Creator himself. Thank you for caring to make the investment.

  17. I would love to come to church knowing I had a lesson prepared that would engage kids as well as teach the Bible in a way they would be interested in. Right now we do not have the curriculum in children’s church, and I search the internet for help when it is my turn to teach. Thank you so much for this opportunity to serve others.

  18. Wow!sounds like it covers all the bases!God centered,how the whole story fits together,gospel all over the place and I really like involving the family in what the kids are learning!i would love to win it for our Sunday school and awana kids.p.s.the artist was so fun to watch!

  19. This lesson sounds exciting and fun! I would love to share this with the kids in my children’s church group.

  20. GO! sounds exciting. Love having a pre-planned curriculum that is “edible”. Love that one person can teach the class. And I especially love that the take home page requires family participation. Mostest important, Jesus is the main focus!

  21. This looks great! I like that it is interactive and that a sheet can be taken home. I do agree that children learn best when there is some type of interaction. For our children, the take home sheet could possibly be used for an evangelism tool at home. I also hope that the materials will be as biblically and ethnically accurate as possible.

  22. Looks awesome, but I’m wondering which age range this curriculum is targeted towards. I think this is great for elementary students. Is it designed for preschool students or middle school students as well?
    I love lots of options in a curriculum. It’s better so that each teacher can make the lesson fit his/her own teaching style or change it up on the spot because “the dynamic duo” is present this Sunday.

  23. I loved the video. The one thing I like is that you make learning fun. In my professional life I am an Elementary teacher and make learning fun. I love that it has a home component that parents can use to help support the learning. This curriculum looks amazing.

  24. This looks like it is tailor-made for our church! God bless you for all your hard work and dedication!!!

  25. Looks interesting. I would like to see how they interact with the group, but the idea of only requiring one teacher is amazing. I will be visiting their site too find out more information.

  26. This curriculum, at first glance, looks to be absolutely amazing!
    Everything about it seems to touch on my small church needs. I love that it’s editable because some days our group is mixed from age five to high school and other Sundays we have enough kids to run age specific Sunday school lesson.
    To win a $300 curriculum for our children it would be so helpful because we just don’t have the money to buy. Thank you for the opportunity.

  27. Looks Amazing! I love it when kids can learn about God and have fun!!! This looks like they can accomplish both.

  28. I like that you incorporate family into your lessons, as it is hard to get family backing on a lot of things church related. I also like that you used a fun video that would capture children’s attention. I love the concept, and that there are tons of different ways to use a lesson, but I wonder how this is different from a lot of other curriculum’s out there.

  29. Praise!
    God is always moving in a mighty good way. Our kids are the future and this curriculum will engage them and keep them active in Bible study classes. The material has everything teachers will need and use for the children. Great idea. Glory to God!

  30. Love this site.. come here all the time to get ideas and Wednesday night curriculum to share with our students.. we are in transition right now and we are so happy to be able to come to a site wanting to get the Word out so that we can get to as many unsaved loved ones as possible. You all are awesome!! God’s Grace Rest on you All.

  31. Awesome, very easy for the kids to understand and it has so much truth in it. I use your website just about every week to help with the children, this is awesome!!!

  32. I am very impressed by what I have seen. We are considering this material for our Children’s Church Ministry.

  33. I was looking at this as an extra fun activity for my fourth grade class, where I teach at a Christian school. I like that it helps kids see the lessons as a whole picture, and that it’s interactive, letting them be creative.
    Mrs. B. Broadrick

  34. I like the new youth ministry curriculum most of all because it is editable. Like the video mentioned, churches like to put their own personal touch to the lesson. Sometimes we want to use the documents provided, but it can become time consuming to retype just for a few changes. Additionally, I love that the children have a take home sheet. From use with past lessons, I have discovered that this helps with retention and teaching kids that Jesus is for outside of church too!

  35. This looks like an amazing new curriculum. Would definitely would love to use for kids ministry. Thanks for opportunity!

  36. This looks like a great program
    We are a small church and often teach alone so appears it will be easy to use for smaller or larger class.
    I particularly like the take home idea …I always send something home with them!!

  37. You are an answer to prayers! We reopened our church on Easter Sunday 2019, after being closed for 10 years. I am not only a child of God, Pastor’s wife and song leader, but the one the Lord has placed thus far in our congregation that wants to teach the children’s class as He adds to our church daily. I enjoyed watching the video and the material presented is exactly what I’ve been praying for. God Bless you and His ministry!

  38. I love that it teaches the Bible in Chronological order. I’m doing my reading chronologically this year and it really helps with comprehension. I’m happy it incorporates some technology and engages the kids to boost comprehension. And I find it super helpful that we can pick and choose the elements that work best for our classes. I would love to give this a try this year.

  39. Hello…for me it was a God send literally. This was my first year teaching CCD classes. The curriculum from this site helped do much.
    I have 6th grade students and these lessons helped keep the all well occupied. Thank you very much. Martha Palacios

  40. Awesome! Being able to customize lesson for our learners is a great benefit. The Go curriculum sounds like just the tools we need as a ministry and a family.

  41. I am new to running a Children’s Ministry and am always looking for resources and different ways to teach!!! Would absolutely love to use this curriculum!

  42. Looks interesting. I am curious how the materials will/can engage the children in my church as they are all from non-Christian families. I need something that will teach them who God is and how He loves each of us. I am excited to check out your materials.
    Thank you.

  43. This could be just what I’ve been looking for!
    I teach Sunday School at the Anchor Presbyterian Church in Newtown, PA. We are a smaller church w/ a dynamic Bible preaching pastor and a God fearing, God praising congregation. More families and elementary aged children are attending regularly!
    Later, this summer I will discuss your program w/ our pastor. As we plan for the 2019-20 school year, Sunday School.
    I would want to see some emphasis on the Trinity God, the father, his son, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. I suppose they are brought up in lessons and scripture that correlate to lessons/activities.
    Just curious: Are there activities or resources that could be used w computers to show videos, music and/ or interactives? Any books that could be found at our local library? Are easy Craft ideas explained for children to take home or to display?
    And lastly, how much is your program??? To “win” access to the “Go” curriculum would be an answer to prayer and support our children and their families. Thank you!

  44. Wow this ministry curriculum will be a game changer for me. It will most definitely help with Sunday school lessons. Very user-friendly and I can’t wait to try it.

  45. This looks fantastic! It’s current and God centered. It catches kids attention and I’m sure it will get the attention of all kids, comparing it to other programs out there being used at public schools – it’s perfect, it relates and I believe it will help to keep them focused and learning!

  46. Wow!! This resource is so neat, I was ne9about saying yes to working in children’s ministry but this video makes me feel excited to get started. Ive searched high and low for a curriculum that can help me stay focused and lead the children. This gives me so much confidence and I am extremely grateful that my First Lady found this site!!! Its perfect!
    To God be the glory

  47. I really like that the Go curriculum is chronological, and it’s an easy and fun way to teach kids about Jesus! I am fairly new at being a Sunday school teacher and I believe this curriculum would greatly benefit my unchurched students as well as give me the confidence to be able to teach in a fun way.

  48. Our church recently started a Preschool Sunday school, previously it was just a nursery, more of a babysitting service. We have a few regulars and many that are occasional visitors to our classroom. It has been a joy and a challenge watching these young children grow and learn in Christ over the past several months. Part of the challenge is finding a curriculum that works for the few and the many as well as being editable (I love that). I can’t wait to check out this curriculum, I think it may be just what I’ve been looking for and will save me the hours upon hours that I spend every week scouring the internet for our weekly lesson.

  49. This appears to be an excellent resource for Children’s Church or Sunday School. I love the two targets: Bible based and family focused. I personally feel like a lot of material has lost connection with both of those. And on a side note, the animator in the video is pretty talented!

  50. Its a complete approach in reaching the hearts of children for Jesus in the church and outside the church.

  51. This looks great! Wonderful to have a resource you can use to present the Truth of God’s Word to many kinds of kids in an engaging and clear way!

  52. The “Go” Curriculum looks good because it’s easy to use and editable, making it adaptable to our church’s situation.

  53. I teach preschool age and I love how your curriculum keeps the kids engaged in the lessons. You make learning fun. I would love to win this.

  54. Thanks for sharing about this material! Gospel centered and Bible driven to offer our kids. We would love to use something like this in our church.

  55. Looks like this would be a great curriculum for my Sunday school class. I have been searching for one for a while. I am going to check out the website for it. Thanks for introducing it and giving one away. Thanks Matt Dingman

  56. I think it is very important that children learn how to navigate and understand the bible. I tell my kids its like God,’s owners manual for us with instruction on living for him. Kudos for making the bible a pivotal point!

  57. great app. I have been looking for an application that will suit all children of different ages and this one serves best. getting children to be lovers of God has been my dream and I have sought ways to improve myself doing this and this changes it all. God bless you greatly.

  58. This is definitely fun yet solid curriculum! I am looking for curriculum that will help me foster kids in elementary and preschool spiritually, biblically – yet in fun way! Many which emphasize doctrinal, theological contents- it’s hard to keep kiddos focused; many which emphasize fun seems to neglect important theological education part. So, this will be great help!’ Great job!!

  59. Having God first is always the most important! The last point about bringing it home interests me a lot as we have a lot of van kids. We’re always looking for ways to spark interest in the parents so they too will start coming to church and learning about our Lord.
    Thank you for introducing this new curriculum. I always use online resources for new ideas.

  60. It looks like something I would be interested in. We are a small church with only a few children (usually 2-5 on an average Sunday) and I like that this looks like it would be fun and easily adaptable to a small group.

  61. We have a small church, with mostly an older congregation.
    At best we only have about 8-10 kids who attend, from Nursery -5th grade, several who are being raised by Grandparents or Aunts and Uncles, some due to tragedy, others to poor parenting choices.
    The attendance, at best is very sporadic, so we might have 6 kids one week, and none the next.
    WE plan very good, interesting lessons, which the kids love WHEN they come, but it’s discouraging to teachers to plan and then have no one show up.
    Somehow the families don’t feel a real strong push to attend church, and think skiing in the Winter and camping in the Summer are more important.
    Don’t know if this Curriculum would improve the situation or not, but sure willing to try anything at this point.

  62. This seems awesome!!
    I love the fact that the lessons come with lots of activity options and that the documents are editable! I also like the Go Home Sheet – something to help keep children involved in sermons/”big church” and not just see it as a boring place they have to sit still.
    I think this would be a great curriculum to try!

  63. I’m a homeschool mom to 5 children ages 5 -14. I’m also the Sunday School teacher for both Adults and Children. We have a small church and the attendance is sporadic. This would be useful both at home and in the Lord’s house. It looks exciting and interactive for all children.

  64. Go! Looks like the perfect curriculum for our church. We’ve been searching for a chronological curriculum for awhile. Seems strange that one would be so hard to find.

  65. I am excited to see this curriculum in action! I am going to the sample page now and I hope that maybe I will win the 300 dollars worth of materials! Thanks so much. Nancy

  66. First and foremost, I love that this is centered around the Gospel. I have seen many curriculum that do not include it. They have no problem telling stories OF the Bible, but they do not share the importance of the Gospel.

  67. I have been referring to your resources for some time now. The children love the coloring and the activities. I am an Anglican and we have a curriculum but I love to merge them. I love the involvement of the family as children can play an important role in making God be the center and heart of their own families. We the facilitators should be more innovative to capture their interests and God given talents.

  68. We have been using the same curriculum for almost 2 years. We are looking for something new. I am excited that the description says it “regularly presents the Good News of Jesus and gives kids an opportunity to respond by becoming faith-filled followers of Christ.” This is good news. At the moment all of our regular attendees are saved and so our teachers don’t usually offer this. However, at Easter time we had visitors and the teacher taught the gospel and it was received by a visitor. We are expecting growth in our church and this curriculum looks like it has the opportunity to receive the gospel built in so there is the reminder to include this in the lesson. I also like that it seems to contain the key features we are looking for in our next curriculum: Bible-based (of course), and helpful in teaching kids to have their own relationship with the Lord.

  69. Great presentation! Would love to be the winner and put the curriculum to work in our home. Good luck to all.

  70. This sounds AMAZING. Coming from a smaller church going through a time of transition currently, this curriculum sounds perfect to help build our ministry back up.

  71. This sounds just what our small church needs! God focused, fun, easy and family involvement. Thanks for the intro.

  72. I am looking forward to this curriculum, it seems to always fit our small group we have and they enjoy it very much. This looks to be interesting and will benefit us greatly.

  73. Very nice, I teach children’s classes at my church and it seems as though the lessons even in the same curriculum very widely in required understanding, IE some would be good for ages 4-6 and then others require skills mastered in middle school.
    It would be nice to have something more consistent to use in church and home.

  74. WOW! Looks like a great way to have all 5 of those mixed in, not leaving anything out! I am apart of a smaller church and I have used these worksheets and lessons from you guys for awhile. Its hard trying to keep all these kids of different ages entertained all at once while trying to get the message across, but this looks amazing!! This will defiantly be something I look into.

  75. Hey Nancy – We just ran the random drawing and your comment came back as the winner. I’m going to email you directly to let you know.
    Congratulations and thanks to everyone who shared their feedback.

  76. Thanks so much! I am quite surprised but pleasantly. I have also received your email and have responded back to you. I am looking forward to using this curriculum with my Children’s Sunday school class. Blessings, Nancy Jones

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