Funny Job Requirements for Kids Pastors

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Funny Jokes about Children's Ministry There was a funny thread on the forums at CM Connect and I thought I would share some of it here. For the whole scoop, check out this comment thread on their site. Basically, they wanted to come up with some funny “job requirements” for children’s ministry. Here are a few of my favorites, feel free to come up with your own:

  • Sense of humour is not mandatory, but you won’t survive without it
  • Should be quick to recover when you forget a kids name: a staple of generic names such as ‘Buckaroo’ or ‘Fella’ is a must
  • Even though you would watch them anyways, Cartoons are now considered research.
  • Having the ability to always tell a joke or fill in time is a major plus
  • No sense of embarrassment is a plus – especially when doing action songs
  • Must have the immune system of a robot
  • Must be able to use random junk as props
  • Must be able to rig contests so the girls don’t always win
  • Willingness to pray for all sick pets by name
  • Must be able to “Hold it” for entire service rotation
  • Ability to distinguish where “That smell is coming from”
  • Must be able to come up with 10 games from 1 piece of toilet paper.
  • Must remember that ‘knucks’ are 75% more healthy than high fives.
  • Able to turn all your mistakes into a funny story
  • Able to tolerate bright yellow & orange walls in your office
  • Breath mints … really, kids will call you out for dog breath

Do You Have A Funny Job Requirement?

Leave a comment below if you know of more funny qualification for children’s ministry. Also, check out the thread on CM Connect.

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2 thoughts on “Funny Job Requirements for Kids Pastors”

  1. Thank you for your funny jokes! May I use them in a church newsletter?
    God bless you.

  2. Definitely. Anything on our website is free to share in your ministry – with our full blessing.

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