4th of July Sunday School Lessons and Activities

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Download and print our 100% free activities for the 4th of July in Sunday School. God has blessed America! Let’s teach kids to respect their freedom and give thanks to God on the 4th of July.

The Fourth of July is a major holiday in the United States. It’s officially called Independence Day and is a celebration about our freedom as a nation. The Fourth ties in themes of patriotism, loyalty, thankfulness, and the belief that freedom is a gift from God.

Don’t miss the 6-page patriotic printable Bundle, free from the Sunday School Store.

Fourth of July Sunday School Lessons

Patriotic Coloring Pages: God Bless America

Patriotic 4th of July Coloring Pages

Bible Object Lesson for Independence Day

YouTube video
Children’s Sermon on Luke 10:1-11; 16-20. Being and Making Citizens of Heaven – Everyone is proud of their nation and it’s birthday, this lesson reminds kids they are also citizens of Heaven because they follow Jesus.

4th of July Crafts for Sunday School

YouTube video

“Thank You Card” Project for Kids to Bless Veterans and Public Servants

Use this printable and have children write messages or simply sign their names. Make several copies to bless the heroes in your congregation.

We Thank God for You Printable

More Freedom and Independence Themed Ideas

You could modify our lesson on Thankfulness to highlight the blessings of living in a strong, secure, and free nation like America. We also have a lesson on the Passover that deals with themes of national freedom. I know those are long shots, but someone might find them useful.

How To Make Emphasize God, Not Just Country

One danger of doing patriotic crafts in church is losing focus on God. Be sure to explain that our country is a gift from God. Not all believers live in a secure and free nation like America. At the same time, America is a nation for all people even those who do not know Jesus.  Offer prayers to God giving thanks and also pray for other nations who do not enjoy freedom. Don’t let the kids mistake patriotism for piety.

More Teaching Ideas from Churches

I asked readers to give me their best 4th of July Ideas and here is how they responded.

Sherry Maycock: If its about independence and freedom you could relate it to how we have our freedom from sin and eternal life because of Jesus death on the cross.Does that help at all?Regards Australia.C.R.C.

Lin Pearson: Tony, you are right “I never want to teach kids that patriotism = piety.” Thinking about patriotism, it can so easily descend into triumphalism, what we in the UK call jingoism ( a belligerent attitude), into empire building and a “we are the best in the world”, forgetting that every blessing our lands have is a gift from God, by his grace.
I agree with Sherry that the 4th is a day to remember real freedom and the One who bought it for us at such a cost.

Kerry Tastinger: You could also talk about Moses and the exodus.

Sherry Maycock MAYBE YOU COULD TEACH THEM ABOUT HOW THEY WERE RESCUED BY THERE INDEPENDENCE THE SAME AS GOD Rescued us. Games teach them about rescuing by using the blow up rings you float in swimming,having one pretending to be in the water and the other throwing the ring over them to rescue.Hope that this is of some assistance.Sorry about the typing its very late here 12:12am at night.Regards Australia C.R.C.

Resources Independence Day / Fourth of July

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3 thoughts on “4th of July Sunday School Lessons and Activities”

  1. The lesson, Freedom Isn’t Free is good for those who have been born again. Yet it has no direction or invitation for the sinner to know his/her need to be born again, to die to sin, and be made alive unto eternal life through the knowledge and acceptance of Jesus’ work upon the cross. Many lessons are only geared toward telling people they are saved when they haven’t even been saved.

  2. That’s why God puts teachers like you in the classroom. Our materials are just a guide and help for your ministry. God bless.

  3. Combined Freedom in Christ sermon with Jesus gives Freedom from Sin for 4th of July lesson. Thank you for your help. I found it very useful.

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