Object Lessons: God’s Forgiveness

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The act of forgiveness is freeing but God’s forgiveness is so complete that it is astounding! Our relationship with God begins with His willingness to forgive us. The love match continues as the Christian, young and old learns to depend on that very forgiveness daily. Christian children need to understand that God’s forgiveness covers their entire list of sins. They must know that God’s forgiveness is always available to them.
Object lessons about God’s forgiveness will open the eyes of the heart. Use these demonstrations to show kids how God forgives sinners.
Object Lesson #1: Coffee Filter
You may want to wear a plastic glove for this object lesson so ink does not transfer to your skin. Take a white coffee filter and hold it in your hand. As you cradle it lovingly, tell kids the filter is like their young souls. Say, “At the beginning of life, children commit no knowledgeable sins.” (Save the lesson about being born into sin for a later time.) Then explain to kids that we all sin, even kids. Take a pencil and write on the coffee filter the name of common sins. Let the group give suggestions like lying or stealing.
Next, use the red food coloring and explain that this item represents the blood of Jesus. When God forgives us, He uses the blood of Jesus to wash away our sins. Squirt the coffee filter lightly with the food coloring. Contain to squirt until the red color spreads around the filter covering the penciled letters. Tell kids that God’s forgiveness will erase all their sins.
Object Lesson #2: Wrapped and Tied
For this object lesson, you will need an old sheet, washable markers, twine and scissors. This object lesson also calls for audience participation. Spread the sheet out on a long table. Fold the sheet in half to prevent markers from leaking on to the table. Talk to kids about sin. Explain that sin hurt you and they hurt God. Be honest with kids and let them know that even you, the teacher has sinned sometime. Name some sins and write them on the sheet. Disobeying parents, cheating at school or bullying are sinful examples you could use. Tell kids that they need to ask God to erase sins because the sins are tied to them.
Ask a volunteer to come to the front of the room. Begin wrapping the child’s body with the sheet. The sin words should be facing outwards. Explain to kids that the volunteer did not commit these sins, he is just volunteering. Once you have the child wound up, encircle his body with some twine. Tie the twine in a knot.
Tell kids that this is what our spirits look like before God forgives us—covered in sin. Lead kids in a prayer asking for God’s forgiveness. After the pray use scissors to cut the twine or just loosen the knot with your hands. Say that God sets us free when we ask Him too!

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