Five Ways Parents Can Disciple Kids

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naughty-kidsMake disciples! That was the command of Jesus to his disciples. What better way to fulfill this command then to disciple your own children and empower others to do the same. Biblical discipleship wasn’t in the classroom, it was demonstrated through daily interaction with others — letting them see Christ-like living. Even parents who are new Christians can disciple their kids. Try these discipling tips and pass them on to your parents. (It is the perfect content to share in a kids’ ministry newsletter.)
1. Take one kid at a time. It is possible to disciple several children at one time, but for real impact you should reserve some time for the individual child too. Here’s what I do, when I run errands like go to the grocery store or pick up pizza for Friday night dinner, I take one child with me. With just one child I can spend time answering questions, initiating spiritual conversations or really just having fun with my child. He does not have to compete for my attention with the other children nor do I have to stop a conversation to settle an argument. My child sees me interact with others in a Christ-like manner, and many times situations arise that make good conversation starters.
2. Establish family dinners. Even if you have picked up dinner through the drive through, eating together is a great way to disciple your kids. At a family dinner you share a prayer of blessing. You get to talk and catch up on your day, settle any ongoing disputes and just be together. Relationship building is crucial to discipling
3. Let them see you pray — and pray for others. Jesus’ friends saw him pray. He even took the time to teach them how to pray. We must teach our children to do the same. Do remember to keep your prayers simple. Children should be able to imitate your prayers and use them as an example on how they should pray.
4. Enjoy a shared adventure. There’s just something wonderful about a family vacation. Sharing an adventure with your children whether it’s an overnight excursion our a trip to the local fun park, it’s a great environment for discipling your children. Don’t forget to let your hair down and have fun too.
5. Be present in your child’s world. If you want your children to become disciples of Christ you need to successfully enter their world. What movies do they like? What cartoons do they watch? When he says to you, “Dad what do you think about my picture?” do you make time to look? You need to!
You can disciple your children! It is our responsibility raise up the next generation in God’s kingdom. You can do it!
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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