Fingerstache Bible Object Lesson (Hebrews 4:13)

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 Fingerstache Bible Object Lesson (Hebrews 4:13)
Have you ever snapped a selfie wearing a fingerstache? A fingerstache is a moustache drawing on the pointer finger that a person can use to pretend he has a moustache. It’s a playful temporary “tattoo” that was made popular a few years when it began showing up on different social media sites. I love the fingerstache—it’s a playful ice breaker for getting to know a shy kid but it also makes a great tool for an object lesson. I’ve come up with a fun lesson you could use for a fingerstache object lesson. Ready? Grab a pen!
Hiding from God
For this object lesson, use Hebrews 4:13 as your reference, Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Say, “Hi, everyone. Do you know who I am?” Let the kids answer.
“That’s right!” (Put your fingerstache over your lip.)
“Now do you recognize me?” Let kids answer.
“No way! You can’t recognize me, I have a disguise with my fingerstache here.” Kids will say they recognize you.
“Good job on recognizing me. I guess I can’t hide my identity from you. You know, that reminds me of a verse I read the other day. Let’s read it together!” Read Hebrews 4:13.
Say, “So can I hide from God if I wear this moustache? Will He know who I am?” Let children answer but then say, “You are right! No matter how tall we get, no matter how old we get, God will recognize us—even if we have a moustache or glasses or anything else. Another verse says that God knows how many hairs are on my head—and your head. God knows everything about us, from the first day we were born to our last day. Isn’t that comforting to know? God won’t lose us and we can’t hide from Him. I love that!”
At the end of the lesson, provide kids with washable fine tip markers and help them draw on their own mustaches.
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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