Father's Day Poem – When Father Reads The Book by G.E. Foster

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What does it mean to be a godly father? What makes being a Christian father different? What can dads do to leave a legacy of faithfulness? Here is a little poem I read on a friend’s blog. It might fit well as a Sunday morning insert or in a newsletter. It is from the book “Poems for Patriarchs” compiled by Douglas Phillips. It’s a great book and I recommend it to any father.

When Father Reads the Book – By G.E. Foster

When we hurry off to work,
I’m reminded of those early times
When father read the Book.
When father read the Book
As we each our places took
Round the dear old family altar
When father read the Book
O those dear old Bible stories,
Psalms that flowed like rippling brook;
Warnings, promises, and precepts
Lived, as father read the Book.
As father read the Book.
Satan’s kingdom round us shook,
And our savior early claimed us
Because father read the Book.
O they say it was old-fashioned,
And what waste of time ‘twould look
To now take half-an-hour
To let father read the Book,
But as father read the Book,
Blessed thought in our minds stuck;
And the day went so much better
Just ’cause father read the Book.
Oft I’m troubled as I journey
On toward heav’n with upward look,
To see families all about me
Grow up without father’s Book
Let father read the Book;
Your home will be so different
If your father reads the Book.

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