Father's Day Object Lesson "A Gift for God" Mark 12:30-31

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Father's Day Object Lesson "A Gift for God"
Father’s Day is such an exciting time. I have a wonderful father so it’s easy for me to celebrate the day. I realize that not everyone can or likes to celebrate this holiday but for those of us who serve God, Father’s Day is a good day to honor our Heavenly Father. As teachers it’s the perfect opportunity to show children how to do the same. Don’t let the day go by without telling kids what God really wants from his children.
What You’ll Need

  • Wrapping paper
  • Tape
  • Bad gifts (tacky tie, weird socks, quirky mug)

Prepare to Teach
Wrap the gifts with the wrapping paper and place the wrapped gifts in the teaching area.
Let’s Teach
Good morning, children! Who knows what today is? That’s right, it is Father’s Day. Have you went shopping for Dad’s gift yet or did you make him something? Some of my father’s favorite gifts were the ones we made for him. I remember one year I made him a clay bowl, another time I made him this beautiful work of art with crayons. What things have you given to do Dad? (Let kids answer.)
You know one of the reasons why this day is so special to me isn’t just because I get to give my favorite guy gifts. Father’s Day is special to me because I also remember my Heavenly Father this day. Do you know who I am talking about? That’s right! I am talking about God. He is my Heavenly Father and yours. Even if you don’t have an earthly Dad or don’t see him often, you have God, our heavenly father.
See this pile of gifts? These are gifts that are fun to give an earthly Dad. Let’s open them and see what we’re giving and let’s try to figure out if any of these gifts would be good for our Heavenly Father. Want to help me?
Which one should we open first? Let kids point and choose. Open the gifts one by one. Obviously each one will be inappropriate for God. He doesn’t need a wacky tie, a mug or a pair of socks.
I think I have a clue about what to get God. It’s in the bible. Turn to Mark 12:30-31. Let’s read it together.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

Isn’t that simple? Let’s make a promise to God right now that we will give Him the gift He wants. He wants our love and He wants us to love another. I can do that. Can’t you?
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.
Don’t miss all our ideas for Father’s Day.

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