25 Simple Family Activities for December / Advent Season

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25 Simple Things To Do With Your Family During December
December is such a busy time of the year. All of the Christmas programs, plays, parties, decorating, and gift buying can get quite overwhelming. It can also be expensive! Many families go into debt during this time of the year. We get so busy and spend so much money that we forget that it’s the simple things that mean the most. Being together with your family and sharing the gift of Jesus Christ with others will make this December a much better time for you and your kids.
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That’s why I’ve put together this list of 25 Things To Do With Your Family During December. I haven’t numbered them so you can choose when you want to do them. They are just simple things like: smiling at people, giving hugs, decorating your tree, doing something nice for a neighbor, and showing your parents that you love them. The only thing that should cost money is buying a gift for a needy child, but this can be done at the Dollar Tree.
Christmas is about Jesus coming to thing earth to live and die for us. Let’s remember this and keep this December simple.

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1 thought on “25 Simple Family Activities for December / Advent Season”

  1. I must say thanks for sending the Sunday school package it has been a great help to me teachers and children,may richly bless and keep you

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