Esther Bible Lessons for Children: Part 10

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This lesson concludes a 10-part series on the book of Esther. Chapter 10 only contains 3 verses but like a fairy tale ending we hear the “happily ever after” on the man behind Esther, her cousin Mordecai.
Note: The book of Esther can be difficult to relate back to Jesus and his Good News. One clear connection is the promise that the Savior would be born from the family of Abraham. The plot to eliminate the Jews (the promised family) was a threat to God’s promise. When God saved Esther and the Jews in Persia, he was also protecting the future birth of Jesus according to his promises. The saving work of Christ was directly tied to God’s saving work in the book of Esther.

Bible Story: God’s Blessing on Mordecai
Scripture: Esther 10:1-3; Luke 2:52
Target Age Group: Age 7 – 12 (U.S. 1st – 6th Grade)
Time: 30 Minutes
Learning Context: Children’s Church
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Learning Objectives:  After this lesson…

  • Children express their understanding of the key people and message in this passage.
  • Children express what they learned about faithfulness to following the Lord’s ways.
  • Children express the similarity to the description of Mordecai to Jesus.

Curriculum Target Age: Kindergarten – 5th grade
Material Needed:

  • Bible:  Esther 10:1-3; Luke 2:52.  Prepare prior to the lesson a copy of the important points to ensure specific explanation on them.
  • Visual Aids:  King Xerxes (Ahasuerus), Mordecai, and Jesus. Try searching those names on Google Images.

Teaching Plan:
Briefly review the previous 9 chapters. Remind the children of Esther’s family heritage, Haman’s plot to kill the Jews, and the background behind the Jewish holiday Purim.
Establish the lesson by briefly explaining the key people in this chapter by showing the pictures of King Xerxes and Mordecai.  Make sure the children repeat their names.
Prior to reading the final chapter of Esther and Luke 2:52, divide the children into two groups and ask one half of the children to listen for the way the Lord rewards faithfulness.  Ask the other half of the children to identify the similarities between Mordecai and Jesus.
Read (and Recap) Esther 10:1-3 and Luke 2:52.  Reinforce these verses by asking questions.  What did King Xerxes do?  He made sure that all of his accomplishments as well as Mordecai’s were known throughout the land.  Where were they written?  They are in the Book of the Chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia.  What position was Mordecai? He was second to the king.  Say to the children, “Wouldn’t it be nice to be noticed for doing right before the Lord by those here on earth?  All of us would like to know our lives are making a difference to those around us.”
When you’re finished reading the chapter and verse from Luke, ask for a response from the children regarding their listening assignment.  What do you learn about faithfully following the Lord?  What similarities can be found between Mordecai and Jesus?
Talk to the children about those people we remember in history (Biblical and world) and the reasons we remember them.  Eg:  George Washington—first president; Christopher Columbus—discovered America; David—slew Goliath; Daniel—lion’s den; Lincoln & Kennedy—assassinated presidents.  Reiterate the fact to the children that we all should strive to live in a way that we can impact other people in a positive way.  Ask the children for examples of ways they can make a difference, such as giving some of their allowance to a missionary.
Lesson Evaluation:
Ask for a volunteer to explain the way that the Bible states that Mordecai was similar to Jesus.
Give a list of possible facts from this chapter and have the children identify if they learned it from today’s lesson.

  1. Esther was crowned queen over all the other young women.  True, but not in this chapter.
  2. Mordecai was known in Persia and Media.  Yes.
  3. King Xerxes made sure Mordecai was recognized.  Yes.
  4. The Jews had an enemy trying to kill them.  True, but not in this chapter.
  5. The king’s edict cannot be changed when sealed with his ring.  True, but not in this chapter.
  6. Mordecai found favor with not only the Jews but others too.  Yes.

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