Kids Bible Memory Books – Truth and Grace Memory Books

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Required For Every Parent and Children’s Minister

It’s this simple – these little books are the very best tools available to train children in the Gospel. They are very low cost. They are very easy to use. They are 100 percent biblically faithful.
What are you doing to teach the whole of God’s truth to your children? Every day is a missed opportunity. In as little as 5 minutes each day you can build God’s Word into your child’s life. Here are a few recommendations for the Truth and Grace Memory Books (TAG).

What Are Pastors Saying?

Bill Ascol, Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Owasso, OK wrote:

I commend the Truth and Grace (TAG) Memory Book series to all who love to feed upon, meditate upon and disseminate God’s Word. The combination of a solid plan for Scripture memory and exposure to great hymns, blended with the lost art of catechetical instruction, make this series a must! I know that I am a better parent and pastor for having utilized their precious content in my life, my family and the church I serve.

Dr. Phil Newton, Pastor of South Woods Baptist Church in Memphis, TN wrote:

Our church has found the Truth and Grace (TAG) booklets to be a wonderful tool for training our children in the Christian faith. The simplicity of its arrangement and the excellence in its content have been useful in our Wednesday children’s ministry, Sunday School and home use. We have supplied dozens of copies to members of our congregation, visitors and people in the community.

What Are Bible Scholars Saying?

Dr. Don Whitney, Professor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY wrote:

Our church uses the TAG books as supplements to our children’s Bible study curriculum. Tears filled my eyes the first time all the children, one-by-one, answered questions from Book 1 in front of their parents. At the end I said, “You can be confident that children in our classes will learn the kinds of things the church ought to teach them.

If you are using the Truth and Grace Memory Books, please leave a comment and let me know. Is anyone using these books at their church?

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

1 thought on “Kids Bible Memory Books – Truth and Grace Memory Books”

  1. Hi, catechism is not something that my church does and is almost completely foreign to me. I just purchased these books to use at home with my 3 and 5 year olds. Are the scripture references given after each question intended to be memorized by the child as well? Or are they there simply to confirm that the answers are indeed based on scripture?

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