5 Articles to Encourage Your Children's Ministry

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With all the content on our website, it can be easy for new readers to miss some great articles. In this post I want to highlight some of our most encouraging writings. Like always, you can print these off to share with others and even publish them in your church newsletter. If you have a blog or church website, you have permission to post them there too. Just make sure you give credit and link back to our website. Enjoy!
110 Reasons To Love Children’s Ministry
This article began as a survey of readers on the website. I asked them one simple question, “What do you love about serving in children’s ministry?” Their responses were both plentiful and powerful. After a few hours of editing this was the end result. Practical Tip: Pick your favorite of these and write them on encouragement cards to hand out to your ministry volunteers.
The Truth About This Sunday
Here is a powerful reminder that what we do every weekend really does matter.  Where God gets involved, you have anything but “normal.” This Sunday could be the day that a child’s life changes for eternity! Practical Tip: Use this for a devotion with your ministry team before Sunday morning service.
6 Reasons ti Serve in Children's Ministry6 Reasons Why You Should Serve in Children’s Ministry
This post began one morning when I was brainstorming the different reasons why volunteers work in kids ministry. I wanted to define and clarify what motivates myself and others to stick with it over the long term. Many churches have found this list helpful. Practical Tip: Adapt this list for a bulletin insert or mailing a few weeks before your recruiting season. Cast the vision before asking for help.
Where is God on Sunday Morning?
This article first appeared in my church newsletter. I was trying to remind people of the spiritual benefits of helping in the church nursery. After posting it on the website, many people found the message was needed in their church too. Practical Tip: Print this article and include it in a mailing to your church nursery workers.
Why does children's ministry matter? 68 Practice Benefits of Children’s Ministry
Why does kids ministry matter? One way to answer that question is to brainstorm all the positive outcomes created by a well done local church ministry to children.  In this very long post, I tried to list as many as possible. With each I added a suggestion to make it happen in your church. Practical Tip: Share this list with leaders in your church and see if they can list their top 10 benefits. Then use these when spreading the vision for kids ministry in your congregation.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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