Easter Sunday School Lessons

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Be prepared to share the Gospel Story with our free lesson plans, coloring pages, and crafts for Easter. This page links our best lesson plans and activities for Sunday School this Resurrection Weekend. Downloading each lesson below includes teaching material, craft ideas, and coloring pages.

More Lesson Choices for Easter

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Virtual Sunday School for Easter!

More Sunday School Activities

More Easter Ideas for Sunday School

If your church is like mine, Easter Sunday will be a high attendance day in your Sunday school and Children’s ministry. We want to make Easter about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But what should you teach if your Sunday school curriculum does not have a dated lesson for Easter?

Resurrection Eggs – Another popular option is to use a special Easter lesson like the Resurrection Eggs. Most churches have a set somewhere in their Sunday school department. It is an extended object lesson with twelve eggs, each having a clue about the meaning of Easter. I like the Gospel focus of this approach, but would be a little hesitant to do such a complicated object lesson.

We recommend the following free teaching materials from other websites.

Browse the resources below. You’ll also find a growing selection of Easter craft ideas. Crafts are always a great way to promote hands-on learning. The Christian tradition has so many powerful symbols of Easter. These can easily be used to retell and teach the story of Jesus’s resurrection.

Easter Crafts for Sunday School

He is Risen!  Craft Ideas for Resurrection Sunday. Easter is here! It’s always fun to celebrate this spring holiday with crafts that feature the typical chicks, flowers, or bunnies…but even more critical is recalling the glory of the resurrection! Jesus came back to life after being crucified. This is our great hope and joy, on Easter and always. Here are a couple of creative ideas to celebrate Easter. A “sensory cross” uses a variety of decorations on a cross to recall Christ’s sacrifice. A “New Life Butterfly” symbolizes the resurrection with a happily colorful butterfly.

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Easter Children’s Sermon for Kids Church

Lesson Objective: Throughout history, we have seen stories of underdogs pulling through. Sometimes, this means sports teams win against all odds. In other cases, it might be an outnumbered army overpowering a foe. This message reminds children that Easter is a time to rejoice in the most significant “surprise” victory of all time: the defeat of death and darkness! Jesus rose from the grave and promised us eternal life. Good Friday may have appeared bleak, but the Easter sunrise brought a risen Son! Celebrate this tremendous “reversal”!

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New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

4 thoughts on “Easter Sunday School Lessons”

  1. Dear Tony,
    I just wanted you to know you have been a great resource to me and my children’s ministry. You always come a step ahead of the week or weeks before an event and that means a lot. Thanks for being a blessing.
    I am using this medium to pray that you and your family and others who help you in ministry be blessed in Jesus name. You are safe in Jesus name!
    Children’s Minister,
    Christ Baptist Church, Gbagada, Lagos, Nigeria

  2. Your website is always such a blessing!
    Although the ministry I serve has a curriculum, whenever I find certain concepts hard to explain, I know I can come here to find a much easier way to teach and tons of resources.
    God bless you!

  3. Thank you so much for these resources you share to us! You are a blessing to our ministry especially now that we are finding ways to sustain our Sunday School activities during pandemic and lockdown..

  4. I have been using this website for my Sunday school lesson. It has excellent resources for kids to learn the word of God. Thank you.

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