Easter Parade Ideas for Kids Church

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Celebrate Easter in your children’s church by hosting an Easter parade. Work ahead of time if you want to roll out fancy floats. Alternatively, you could help kids make fancy or wacky Easter hats. Make arrangements with your senior pastor to choose a time kids can share their creations with adult worshipers. Organize a parade around the main sanctuary or around the children’s church. Use these Easter parade ideas for kids’ church and get kids involved in this season’s special worship. Play some special Easter music as the children lead the worship parade.
Palm Leaves
Clip palm fronds from a palm tree or buy silk ones to use every year. Instruct kids to walk in pairs at the front of the parade. Teach them to say, “Hosanna” in chorus as they walk.
Purple Ribbons
Buy two-foot wooden dowels and attach purple ribbons on the ends. Glue one short side of the ribbon on to the dowel. After the glue dries, children should be able to twirl the ribbons to the music. Taper the ends of the ribbon with scissors. Leave the ribbons long and flowing or make them shorter for smaller children. Purple is the color of royalty, a fitting color for Jesus, the King of Kings.
Praise Posters
Before the parade, instruct children to create praise posters declaring their love for Jesus. Make some posters that show three crosses or the picture of a large stone, like the one that was rolled by the angel. Allow children to use their imaginations to make pictures of Jesus to show. Have kids work on posters in pairs. The pair then can carry the poster together in the parade.
Easter Lily Hats
Help little girls make some Easter hats. Bring straw hats or ask parents to donate plain straw hats for this craft. Then, kids use glue to add silk flowers, ribbons and many other fun details to their hat.
Wagon Floats
Petition help making floats using small red wagons. These are perfect for pulling small children in an Easter parade. Cover the edges of the wagon with bright colored crepe paper. Cut the crepe paper into four-inch strips and add the strips to the edge of the wagon in layers. Tie a festive purple ribbon around the handle. Add many embellishments to the edges of the wagon and place a pillow inside so small children can ride in comfort.
Musical Instruments
Hand out inexpensive musical instruments like mini drums, recorders and tambourines to children. Let them play instruments in worship to their Lord. You might help them keep time or show them how you want them to play. The best idea is to let kids express themselves how they like.
An Easter parade is a good outreach for a church who wants to reach the families of children who attend. Take lots of pictures during your parade to encourage other children to participate next year. Give your Easter a fun theme for kids and parents to use while preparing for the event.

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