Family Worship Guide for Easter

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Here is a simple devotional guide to help families worship Christ together during Easter time. It might be ideal for Saturday evening before Resurrection Sunday. Family Worship is the regular and intentional assembling as a family unit to worship God by reading scripture, praying and singing praise. This brief worksheet will help you lead your family in a short time of devotion on Saturday. Children should be involved as much as their age allows. This devotions should last between 15-25 minutes.

Step 1: Gather the family

If this is a new experience for your family, keep it very simple. Have the whole family gather in the living room together. Even the very young children should participate. Turn off any radios or televisions that might be distractions.

Step 2: Read scripture

If your children are confident readers, ask them to read portions of scripture from their bibles. Prepare in advance to explain any difficult words.

  • Read Mark 15:33-47: Discuss v.35 where Jesus says to God “why have you forsaken me?” Explain this was Jesus quoting Psalm 22, which foretold what would happen to the Christ. As Jesus took on our sins, he suffered the great punishment in our place. He became our substitute and took what we deserved.
  • Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-8: Discuss the central elements to the Easter story. (Died, buried, raised, appeared to witnesses).  Discuss the importance of the phrase “according to the scriptures.” Explain that Jesus’ death was predicted and promised in the Hebrew Bible. Discuss the importance of Jesus appearing to many witnesses. Explain this was a real historical event, not something imaginary. Many real people saw it.

Step 3: Pray

Lead the family in a time of prayer. Include elements of Praise, Thanksgiving, Confession and Requests. The pray time should focus on the passages you have just read and be a response of worship to God.

Step 4: Sing

Select a song that is familiar to your family. Using a worship CD may be helpful. Many families prefer to sing without background music. Choose songs that remind you of the cross and resurrection of Jesus.  Sojourn Kids has posted some wonderful original music you can use. “The Cross Is Not The End” and “God’s Love Goes On Forever

Need More Ideas? Browse all our Easter Sunday School Lessons & Craft Ideas.

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