Easter Basket Object Lesson

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Easter Basket Object Lesson
Got an Easter basket handy? Fill it up with a few items and you’re ready to teach a memorable Easter basket object lesson. Of course after the teaching is over you can share your goodies for a special treat. I like the idea of taking popular Easter treats and items and using them to present the truth of the gospel. Are you ready to teach?
What You’ll Need

  • An Easter basket (woven basket–no fabric or plastic)
  • Easter grass (any color)
  • Bag of chocolate coins (silver if you can find it but any kind will do)
  • Chocolate cross
  • Peeps chicks
  • Plastic Easter eggs

Let’s Teach
Put all the items into your basket and place it in the teaching area. If you have a large class, hide some candies out of sight to use as take home snacks and gifts. (That’s how I do it.) What you’ll do is show the kids the basket and the contents and explain how each item is related to the Easter story. Here’s what I plan to do:
Hi everyone! I guess you know what this is–that’s right! It’s an Easter basket and it is full of my favorite things. I know you love all these Easter treats but did you know that many of these have a special meaning. Before I talk to you about that who can tell me what Easter is about? (Let kids share their interpretations.)
It sounds like many of you have a pretty good idea about what this special day is all about. I think I can share a few things with you though. First, let’s look at the basket. See how it is woven together? It reminds me of the crown of thorns they put on Jesus. Of course my basket doesn’t have any thorns but it is carefully woven together.
Next we have the Easter grass. See? (Pick up some grass and share it or show it.) This grass reminds of the baby Jesus and how his mother put him to sleep in the hay.
The bag of coins. This reminds us that Jesus was betrayed. One of his friends named Judas took money to tell the soldiers where they could capture him.
Now comes one of my favorites–a chocolate cross. Jesus died on the cross then he was placed in a tomb. Three days later, Jesus rose from the grave proving that he was the resurrected Son of God. This cross is nice and sweet but Jesus really did suffer. His cross was nothing nice. It was made of wood and it was rough but Jesus did it for you and me so we could be saved.
See these Peeps? They remind me of the disciples that saw Jesus after he rose from the dead. Remember when they were hiding out together in the room and Jesus walked in? That was amazing!
Lastly, we have this egg. (Open the egg.) There’s nothing inside–it’s empty just like the tomb! Jesus isn’t there–he is risen!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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5 thoughts on “Easter Basket Object Lesson”

  1. I really like the idea. I may use it for a ladies group too. What did you share about the coins? You didn’t share that. Do you talk about the pieces of silver Judas received for betraying Jesus?

  2. I went ahead with this without the coins. They understood it all. It helps to let them touch the items and say imagine someone is forcing that crown of thorns on your head. They rub their fingers across the woven basket to feel how rough it can be. Or use the cross and have a heavy object to pass around as well saying can you imagine being so tired but someone is forcing you to keep carrying that around?

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