Podcast #15 Divorce Ministry for Children

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Click here to visit this new website about helping children of divorce.Divorce is a traumatic life event for an large number of children in our society. This presents both an opportunity and a challenge for the local church.
In this podcast, I talk with Wayne Stocks about his new website focused on ministry to children of divorce.
Directions: To listen to this audio recording, simply click the play button below or download the MP3 audio file.

Since 1972, over 1,000,000 kids each year have joined the ranks of the children of divorce. These kids face struggles which are very unique and very real. And, unfortunately, many of our churches are ill-equipped to deal with the special needs of this growing segment of their congregations. Whether they worry about addressing the issue of divorce for fear of alienating their congregations, pretend that the problem simply does not exist, or simply fail to recognize the magnitude of the issue, many churches are ill-equipped to deal with, or minister to, children of divorce.

For more information, follow this important cause on Facebook or Twitter.

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