Bible Lessons: Discovering the Divine

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This page is the introduction and overview of our four-part series of lessons for children on knowing God. These lessons were written with older elementary children in mind. This page also has tips to help teachers as they prepare to teach the series. Below you will find links to the individual lessons. This curriculum is intended for children’s church or Sunday School. You could also modify it for a homeschool Bible lesson or family devotion.

Lesson Plan Index

(each of this links will be active once the lesson is posted)

Series Overview

Cognitive Aim: Students will understand that there is profound worth in knowing God, and they will understand that God wants them to know Him intimately, even at their young age.
Affective Aim: Students will experience a deep longing for God, desiring to know Him intimately.
Behavioral Aim: Students will daily seek to know God on an intimate level through studying His word, prayer, and worship.
Note to Teacher: I suggest using this curriculum in a way that will allow the children to present what they learn in a creative way to the rest of the body of believers at the end of the series. Allow the children to have different responsibilities and roles in their teaching to the church. This will provide a wonderful opportunity for the adults to see that children can in fact know God on an intimate level, and they will perhaps learn things they did not know, as we often do from children. I provide little reminders in each lesson of the presentation.
As teacher’s, we have a responsibility to nurture children’s faith in such a way that it becomes an integral part of their lives. My goal is not primarily for the children to learn moral laws and ways to live, but to know God intimately. We are setting the foundations of the knowledge of God in children, and this foundation can be firm or shaky. I hope that this series provides an eye-opening experience for both teacher and children in relation to knowing God. I suggest using a follow-up curriculum on the characteristics of God or the names of God.
Each lesson consists of four steps. Step one, Create Longing, is a time to spark interest and catch the children’s attention to an aspect of God or an illustration of the lesson. Step two, God revealed, is a time to dive into Scripture to discover God. Step three, Personal Pursuit, brings out why this Scripture is important in our lives, and more specifically, in the lives of the children. Step four, Daily Knowing, provides the children with things to practice at outside of church in relation to knowing God. We want children to understand that knowing God goes beyond Sunday school; He should be pursued in their lives everyday.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

1 thought on “Bible Lessons: Discovering the Divine”

  1. I would like to thank you for the lesson of discovering the divine. It helps me a lot in my junior class. The curriculum is easy to follow. I myself has been blessed with the lessons. And the children got to know God even better and beyond and over all the lessons are helpful to us, sunday and junior church teachers.God bless your ministry.

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