Devotional – There is No “m-e” in Christmas…Only “H-I-M”

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Christmas Devotional- There is no ME in Christmas only HIM
So I’m sitting here, it’s after Thanksgiving, and our Christmas decorations are up. Lights are sparkling, ornaments are hanging, and bells are ringing. It’s the happiest time of the year, right?
I always have good intentions. I want to make this year the best year ever. I sit at my desk and plan, plan, plan. I love to plan. Give me a theme to work off of and “Zoom!” I’m off and going. I will have theme days and fun activities for us to do. Then we get into the swing of things and I lose my perspective. I start to get frustrated because we get off schedule. I forget to enjoy the season with my children. Life happens and I don’t leave room for the unexpected.
Unexpected things aren’t always bad. An unexpected package in the mail isn’t bad. Someone thought enough to send something to us. A question from a child about why we celebrate Christmas is unexpected sometimes, but can be an amazing opportunity to share the gospel. A surprise visit from a friend or family member is unexpected, but should always be welcomed.
Simple shepherds experienced an event that was extremely unexpected.

“Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.” Luke 2:8-9

They were just laying out in the fields at night after a long day’s work. They were relaxing, enjoying the time of quiet, and probably getting ready to get some sleep. Then, their “plan” was interrupted by an unexpected event. An angel of the Lord came to them and told them about an unexpected occurrence that was going to change their lives forever. The Savior of the world had been born and they were going to be able to see Him. HIM!
That’s what it’s all about. HIM! Sometimes during this season, I get down about this and that. Then I realized this morning, there is no “m-e” in Christmas, but there is “H-I-M”. Look at the word C-H-r-I-s-t-M-a-s. It actually spells out the word “him”. That’s what it’s all about. It’s about Him! The Savior has come into this world for you and for me. That’s all that matters. It’s not about the lights and the candy. It’s not about the presents and the get-togethers. It’s about HIM. The best unexpected surprise that changed the world, forever.
Remember, there’s no “m-e” in Christmas…there’s only “H-i-m”.

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